The Smith Family Legacy - Baxter & Leah's Chapter

Sep 28, 2010 14:44

Author's Note: Welcome back to the Smith Family Legacy everyone! It's finally time for Baxter & Leah's chapter. I've been putting this off because of all the cute things happening in the main household.. When the toddlers are young, I get a lot of wishes to improve skills, so I waited until they were all completed before switching active households..

This time I remembered to turn off both ageing AND story progression XD

Baxter and Leah have been living together since Baxter moved out. They had already developed
a great friendship. However, my story progression really sucks, so that's all they were.. Friends.

Leah: "He's pretty cute.. I could be more than just friends."

Baxter: "Oh yeah? More than friends? You mean we could be lovers?"

Leah: "That's the idea."

Leah: "We are supposed to produce lots of children."

Baxter: "Says who?"

Leah: "The voices.. They told me so."

Baxter: "Uhh.. Yeah.. About those voices.. Lets just keep them between you and me, okay?"

Leah: "Whatever you say Baxter... Mmm.. You smell like cheese whiz."

Baxter: "That's romantic coming from you."

Baxter: "So, I took this jog earlier and it was exhilarating! Nothing like fresh air through your hair,
and the concrete under your sneakers."

Leah: "Oh yes.. There are far better ways to exercise than jogging."

Baxter: "Please! Like what?"

Leah: "One of which is played under the sheets."

Leah: "I'll show you. I promise you'll like it."

Baxter: "Okay."

Leah: "See! Now wasn't that entertaining!"

Baxter: "Best way to exercise EVER!"

Unfortunately, lots of woohoo did not improve the athletic skill.. Though I think it should ;)

Couples who work out together, stay together.

Leah: "AGH!"

Baxter: "She falls at least once very five minutes."

Leah: "STFU. It's a lot harder to stay upright than you think."

Baxter: "Soo Leah... Wanna be boyfriend girlfriend?"

Leah: "Although that sounds third grade, of course I do =)..."

Leah: "Are you okay? Did you pull a hamstring?"

Baxter: "I'm fine.. Just give me a second to materialize a ring..."

Baxter: "There! Leah Gibson, you are my best friend.. I know I may not be your first choice,
but will you marry me?"

Leah: "OMG."

Baxter: "Sooooo? Is that a yes?"

Leah: "Yes!"

Baxter: "Good, because I don't think I could've recovered from that kind of rejection."

Leah: "You're super sweet Baxter.. I imagined you a lot more frightened than you are.. More like Jessa."

Baxter: "Please. I'm only scared of the doctor.. the dark, and the ghosts of ancestors passed."

Baxter: "I really, really like you Leah..."

Leah: "Yeah yeah.. Stop your blubbering. Lets get this show on the road."

Baxter: "Eheheh.. She's a romantic."

That was the quickest marriage I've seen to date.

Baxter decided to bring Leah over to meet his family.. Mistake? Possibly...

Baxter: "Look at him.. talking to my woman like he's God. Well screw you buddy! She's mine!
You can't knock her up!"

Chase: "What's he on about?"

Leah: "He's just a tad jealous."

Baxter: "It's not jealousy! I'm not paranoid! They all want you!"

Leah: "Oh hey! You must be Stefan, Jessa's man. Have you killed her yet? Tell me you haven't 
killed her...?"

Stefan: "Bitch please."

Leah: "Stop right there.. You don't have to tell me.. I used to want you, but Baxter won my heart.
He's such a sweet guy."

Stefan: "First of all, this house is now a Baxter free zone. No one speaks his name. 
My ass received massive internal injuries due to him getting us arrested
when we were teenagers."

Leah: "Yeah.. Sure.. So where's my dear sister?"

Stefan: "She's working or some shit."

Leah: "You have a dirty mouth. You shouldn't be swearing in front of children!!"

Leah: "My darling Baxter would never swear in front of a woman or child! Sighhh.. I've 
really lucked out with him <3."

Leah: "This one looks just like her mother! Tickle tickle little Jessa!"

Elliot: "I am way to evil to remind you of my mother who is frightened of her own shadow."

That reminds me of something.. YES! I have it!

image Click to view

This would be Jessa as a toddler XD

Leah: "Does no one care for these children?! If you can't take care of them, learn the concept of
contraception at least!"


Leah: "Here you go sweet niece.. clean diapers for all!"

Leah: "And a fresh bottle! Yum yum!"

Leah: "Every time I see this ring, my heart melts. I love that guy."

Interestingly enough, Leah decided that Margo was in desperate need of fashion advice..
Leah's lifetime wish was to be a culinary librarian, but she was a fashion phenomenon
when I arrived..

What would she suggest? A polka-dotted blanket to slim her figure? What kind of
fashion advice could a newborn actually need?

Leah: "You doubt my fashion-ability. I'm a genius when it comes to design. Even infant design."

Baxter: "One day I will be more ripped than Stefan, and he can suck on that!"

Stefan's hotness doesn't detract form your own appeal.

Baxter: "So explain the nineteen votes to me then! Am I that unappealing?!"

I still love you.. I think a lot of people decided to vote Kingston because they knew you
didn't have a chance in hell.

Baxter: "You are such a comforting person, you know that?"

Leah: "GASP! Every time I look at my hand, I am overwhelmed with joy!"

You are so weird...

Leah: "I'm love struck <3!"


Leah: "Okay you! That's enough of that! I'm completely normal! I am actually above normal
to be honest with you! I am ridiculously smart!"

Leah: "Though I may come across as a little 'CRAZY' sometimes, I am NOT weird!"

Leah is a Clumsy, albeit, Insane Genius who Mooches off of others, and has
always been described by her parents as a Heavy Sleeper.

Leah: "Despite rumours, I do NOT snore."

Baxter: "Ah fudge muffins!"

done to deserve this disgrace!! GRRRR!"

Baxter: "Great! Now it leaks all over my floor! Fabulous!"

Baxter: "Well, no use in being a whiny Willy. Gotta get to fixing!"

I like your practicality.

Baxter: "Then you should have voted for me."


Baxter: "I know it's broken Leah! I broke it! PS: Why are you puking? You didn't eat
that spoiled autumn salad in the kitchen, did you?"



Baxter: "Oh joy... The shower leakage is combining with the toilet overflow. My life
couldn't get better =(..."

Leah: "Oh look at that! I'm baking a bun in my oven!"

This couple were so in love, that they both spent their nights
dreaming of the other.. How cute <3

Baxter: "Zzzzzz...Exercising with Leah Zzzz..."

Leah: "Zzzzz... Sexing with Baxter...Zzzz..."

Baxter: "Zzzz... Must inspect the light bulbs tomorrow.. Zzz..."

Leah: "Check out my shower hair. Sexy, eh?"

Nothing turns me on more.

Baxter: "Well.. I gotta get myself a job if I am going to support this family. I have to be a man.
Yes.. I am a strong man who is reliable.. I will not fail. Never.."

I did get Baxter a job when he first moved out, but he must have quit, or was fired..

Baxter: "Check out this plate! Pretty nice, yeah? I'm gonna use it to serve Goopy Carbonara!"

Baxter: "Did you know my father makes a living by hiding behind a tree? I wish all
jobs were that fun."

Leah: "Sorry? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my chewing."

Leah: "Oh dear God! How am I ever going to stay perky with this infestation in my
uterus! If I don't bounce back, Baxter will never sex me again!"

He is not that vain..

Baxter: "DISGUSTING TOILET!! You must flush mid puke next time Leah! I would
rather not do this again!"

Leah: "Suuure honey. Whatever you say... *showers*.."

Leah: "Okay.. So get this..."

Leah: "I'm not fat! I'm pregnant!"

Baxter: =O

Leah: "Is that really surprising? I mean, look at my stomach!"

Baxter: "I never noticed a thing! You look as sexy as ever!"

Baxter: "I think I can hear it!"

Baxter: "He wants a burrito! No a hamburger! Wow.. That's one junk-food craving baby!"

Leah: "Great.. Now I'm starving."

Leah: "Fish and chips!"

Leah: "Cobbler! WOOT!"

Baxter: "Honey, why don't you read up on the baby instead of the foods you can eat.."

Leah: "Do baby books explode into thousands of unknown symbols?"

Baxter: "Well.. no..."

Leah: "Then dream on!"

Leah: "OH GOD! I should have listened to you! I should have read up on this!!"

Baxter: "OH BUTTER CUPS! I am not ready for this yet! The book says to breathe! DEEPLY!

Leah: "Are you sure it was telling YOU to breathe deeply, and not me?"

Baxter: "How am I supposed to know that! WHAT THE EFF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!?!"

Leah: "This is all that spoiled autumn salad's fault.."



Baxter: "What?! Hamburger? You're almost dying and that's all you can think about?!"

Leah: "It would have tasted so damn good!"


Leah gave birth to a BOY! =)

This little guy is Basil Smith! Basil is a Slobby Genius! His favourites include Grey,
Fruit Parfait, and Roots music!

Leah: "This isn't as good as cheeseburgers, but it will do."

Leah: "Does anyone else find it weird that we stare off into space before we have sex?"

Baxter: "It's called romance. This is the beauty of foreplay."

Leah: "Well if it turns you on, I'm in."

Leah: "The kids network is really awful. Bunnies everywhere.. They look suspicious if
you ask me.. What do you think Basil? Yeah.. right.. You can't talk yet.. But if
you could, I'm sure you would agree."

Basil: *Coos*

Leah: "Ugghhh... I don't feel so hot."

Leah: *Hand vomits*

What are you up to?

Baxter: "I'm pre-approving the books we bought for Basil.. There can't be any bad words or nudity involved.."

I'm sure Colouring Within The Lines is a safe choice..

Baxter: "You can never be too safe.."

Leah: "Has anyone every told you that you have the worst timing?"

I have heard that once or twice.

Leah: "I came into the bathroom to be crazy in private, and you've ruined it! Now everyone knows
I'm Insane!"

Baxter: "Hush Basil. Daddy is here to save you from the world.. Shhhh.. Everything will
be okay."

Baxter: "You're daddy's little Genius <3."

Baxter: "So I've been thinking.. Pop AKA Soda, is really not a good choice of beverage to serve
to a child. We should put a household ban on that.. What's your thoughts?"

Leah: "I think rocks are awesome."

Leah: "And trash. Nothing better than a full, smelly, fly-ridden trash can."

Baxter: "Should I even ask?"

Leah: "It would be best if you didn't."

Leah: "My boy.. My baby.. Aww.. Mommy loves you pumpkin!"

Leah: "I guess this means I'm having another?"

Baxter: "Stefan is spamming my email with porno ads again! What a butt face! GOD! 
Will he ever grow up?!"

Stefan may not grow up, but Basil will =D

Leah: "WOOOP!"

Leah: "At one point he was in my tummy.. Now there is another.. Isn't the miracle of life fascinating!"

Basil grew up to be the most adorable toddler EVER. Honestly.. You guys are kicking yourself
for doubting Baxter's baby making abilities, aren't you?

Baze: "Do you see?! LOOKIT! I'm doing something cute!"

He's never NOT doing something cute.

Baze: "I'm gonna nom the block now. Take a picture."


Baxter: "Enough of the idle play Basil.. Time to put your knowledge to good use.. First
learning how to walk.. Then we will move on to potty training.."

Basil: "You are quite ambitious father."

Baze: "I can do it! WHEEE!"

Leah: "Cleaning up toddler urine is the highlight of my day.. What does that say to you?"

That you've had a really bad day?

Leah: "Bingo."

Leah: "Mmm watery watermelon is the best way to predetermine the sex of the fetus is female!"

If only it worked that way in real life..

Baze: "Well the ingredients in this lumpy oatmeal is quite difficult to determine.. oat it seems..
What is that bitter after taste though...? I just can't quite put my finger on it..."

Baxter: "Okay, bear with me while I explain the birds and the bees to you Baze... When a man loves
a woman, he can't keep his mind on nothin' else.. He would trade the world for that good thing
he's found. If she's bad, he can't see it. She can't do any wrong. He would even turn his back
on his best friend, if he put her down."

Basil: "Though I'd love to sit around listening to you quote the lyrics of 'When A Man Loves A Woman',
I have some more pressing matters to attend to."


Leah: "Say mommy needs a facial!"

Basil: "Why must you adults waste my time trying to teach me this useless garbage!"

Leah: "Come on Baze! Humour me!"

Basil: "Mommy needs a damn facial!"

Leah: "I don't know where you heard that word, but watch your mouth young man!"

Leah: "HEY! FATTY! YEAH YOU! I'm talking to the fatty in the bikini! Who you lookin' at!"

Baxter: "Totally normal morning in the kitchen.. Nothing to see here people... Just my
crazy pregnant wife losing her mind.. No biggie."

Basil: "WAHHHHHH I'm crying! Pay attention to my needs!"

Leah: "STOP IT!"

Leah: "ACK! The noise! It's deafening! Someone shut that kid up!"


Leah: "Being pregnant really doesn't bring out the best in me!"

You don't say...


Leah: "Great.. Look what you've done.. Now I'm in labour."



Leah: "Watermelon mission is a success! We have a female!"

Everyone meet Josephine Smith! Josephine is Excitable, and Enjoys the Outdoors.
Her favourites are, Red, Trip Tip Steak and Indie music.

Leah: "Are you kidding me?! Where do I set this one to have the other?"

And Josephine's twin sister is Alina Smith!

Alina is a Brave Couch Potato! Her favourites include White, Hot-dogs and Latin music.

Baxter: "So I brushed my teeth, are you ready to do this thing?"

Leah: "Why waste time? I'm ready to age these girls up!"

Leah: "I'm so excited it's horrifying."

You look ecstatic.


Josephine inherited her mother's hair, and her grandmother Bella's eyes!

While Alina inherited her grandfather's brown hair, and her father's blue eyes!

Adorable all around!


Baxter: "You are so smart Josie! I knew I would have one that would pay attention!"

Josephine: 'He really has no idea that I'm spacing out, does he?'

Baze: "So the distal phalanges are attached to the proximal phalanges.. Interesting stuff.."

Alina: "POOP."


It goes without saying, that Baze is way ahead of his siblings intellectually...

Baxter: "My girl is so cute! She looks just like her mommy!"

Josephine: "Daddy, I don't want to alarm you, but I just ate. I might puke right in your face."

Leah: "Nothing like realizing your pregnant while standing in the urine of your child."

I'll take your word for it.

Leah: "I'm barely pregnant, and this one is already killing my back! Wonderful... Good start fetus."

Basil: "Hey guys. Blocks are awesome, aren't they?"

Josephine: "Yeah, they taste like wood."

Alina: "I'd much rather try on mommy's red high heels. That would be fun!"

Basil: "I don't do dress up."

Baxter: "WHYYYY?! It's always me! This is so unfair!"

Baxter: *Fixes*

For someone lucky, he sure breaks a lot of things.

Baxter: "BARF! Flooding is disgusting!"

Leah: "Oh hey."

Leah: "I'm ready to give birth already?! Wow.. That was fast.."

Leah: "DAMN IT! I should have eaten before labour! This is going to be a long night! EEEOOWWW!"

Leah: "Or a short night! Here it comes! =D!"

Leah: "A girl! Just what I wanted!"

Meet Coralie Smith. Coralie is a Grumpy Light Sleeper. Her favourites include Spiceberry,
Sushi, and Classical music.

Basil: "Are you gonna do that in here?"

Leah also gave birth to Ryder Smith!

Ryder is Perceptive and Athletic! His favourites are Spice Brown, Grilled Salmon and Chinese Music.

And last, but certainly not least, this is Granger Smith!

Granger is Friendly and Clumsy! His favourites are Aqua, Mac N' Cheese and Chinese Music.

That's SIX kids. Three boys and three girls! These two have their hands full.

But Basil was up for a birthday, so there would only be five diapers to change.

Basil: "Look away from the underwear."

Baze is simply adorable.. I love this kid!

The triplets were next to age up!

Basil: "Hurry it up! I want to have some of that cake! TOOOOOT!"

Coralie is also blond!

As is Ryder!

Woah.. The blond really is dominant in TS3...

Coralie is a Mary Anne look-alike!

While Ryder competes with Basil for the cutest toddler ever...

Granger.. He's too cute for words.. That hair could cure the ugliest sim toddler though :P

Ryder: "This block is tough!"

Granger: "Well this stick is smarter than it looks.. I will defeat it in the end!"

Ryder: "Defeat it from what?"

Granger: "That's the million dollar question, isn't it?"


Coralie: "This game excites me!"

Josephine: "You guys need to clean up after yourself. This house would be a disaster zone
if it wasn't for me!"

Granger: "Ohh.. Interesting.. It makes floaty music notes when force is applied to the colourful
box on the floor..."

Coralie: "Where are you Baze!!"

Alina: "I never get tired of this game!"

Apparently neither do the triplets!

Ryder: "Excuse us.. We're a little busy investigating.."

Sigh.. Raising five toddlers is not my idea of a fun time...

At least they sleep...


The exhaustion of the day's events takes it's toll on their father...

Before I go crazy with all the work involved with raising all these kids, I'll end it here..

Tune in next time to see what Stefan & Jessa's twins look like as toddlers!

Thanks for reading :) Don't forget to leave a comment!

You can download Baxter's family (completely renovated house included) HERE.

Do NOT use any of the characters portrayed in this story for any legacy purpose!

generation seventeen, spares

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