Author's Note: Welcome back to the Smith Family Legacy everyone! We're back to the main legacy family now :) It seems like a while for me.. I will introduce a new house mid-chapter. I've been experiencing a high volume of crashes, so I decided to try a smaller house on a smaller lot to see if that helps.. It did.. It cut my crashes down 95%!
The new house is definitely not as big, but I really like the look either way, so don't go on about how the old one was better, okay? Thank you :)
Last time on the Smith Family Legacy...
Updates on Harley & Damon.. Updates on Cecilia & Henry...
Generation Sixteen
Chapter One -
Chapter Two Chapter Three Wedding -
Post-Wedding Visitation Cecilia -
Kingston: "I could have missed something!"
Chase: "That boy is Duuuumb.."
Kingston: "I could have!"
Chase: "You lived the damn thing Kingston!"
Kingston: "Oh.."
Baxter: "FEAR! It buries deep inside your pores and nibbles at your very soul!"
Baxter: "Goodbye dear world! I can not live with this agonizing fear any longer. For I, Baxter Smith, am afraid of fear."
Baxter: "NO! You go on! Leave me! SAVE YOURSELF!"
Baxter: *Faints*
Martinique: "Sigh.. That boy is his father through and through."
Stefan: "Should we just leave him there?"
Kingston: "Leave who, where? I didn't see anything.... Did you see something?...."
Eli: "WHEEEEE*dislocatesknees*EEEEEE!"
Martinique: "You know Eli.. It would be nice if you got out and found a job.. It's one of those things most people have..
It would be nice for you to get out a little. See the world. You might like it."
Eli: "HA! Keep dreaming woman! I'm too hot to work for a living."
At least some men worked for their keep.
Adam's mysterious advancement in the fashion career was beyond me... He was level 8.. I don't know how..
I don't know why.. He just was..
I decided to see what this fashion career was all about, so I followed him to work.
Adam: "Notice how the car matches the shirt? Fashion tip numero uno."
I had to follow him to this one.. He was asked to makeover the daughter of the fashion god himself! Raeona Smith!
I apparently didn't know what 0/3 meant, so I failed Adam with this one... Sorry buddy...
Antonio: "You disgust me."
Adam: "Why do I have this overwhelming knowledge that no matter what I do, you already screwed this one up for me..."
Maybe because you're smart... You get that from me you know ;)
Adam: "Sure I do......."
I didn't see much wrong with Raeona to warrant a makeover from Adam.. The fashion... faux-pas.
Adam: "Well first of all, I know my fashion shit. And second of all, that skirt.. it warrants an arrest from the fashion police..
You're lucky they are letting you off with a warning... What were you thinking anyway?! You can not be tomboy and
business lady all at the same time."
Raeona: "Says the boy with the ugly ass outfit."
Adam: "This is my uniform.. At least my shoes match."
Raeona: "I know.. It's bad.."
Adam: "Honey...Yeah... Uhm... BAD doesn't even begin to define what's wrong with your outfit.."
Raeona: "Okay, okay.. Just get on with it.. Make sure you give me a hot haircut, okay?"
Adam: "THERE! Perfecto! It's so.. so... YOU..."
Raeona: "............................"
Adam: "You look bitchin'!..."
Raeona: "I'm a F$@&ing corporate manager.. How the hell am I going to explain this one?"
Adam: "Not my problem."
Raeona: "Jerk!"
Back at home...
These two can never be at odds for long ;)
Chase: "How beautiful.. Why I remember when I was his age! Kissing my wife! Smooching my beautiful wife! Sigh..."
Way to be a creeper Chase...
Chase: "Piiishaaw.. I don't creep, I observe."
A little disturbed by Chase's peeping, I sent him on over to Rosalie's place for a visit.
He hasn't spoken to her in person since the birth of his son.
Chase: "Something is wrong with her door..."
Damn you pixels! LOAD!
Chase: "OHGODIT'SHER!! What do I dooo?!"
Impress her with your majestic pick up lines, and your profound knowledge of what a woman wants to hear.
Chase: "Uhhhh... I'm anti-ghost..."
Well... I've heard better...
Chase: "Check it out! I even have this thing-a-ma-jig to catch them!"
Ladies and Gentlemen, YES... Chase has taken up ghost hunting! Finally you will be able to see what's so awesome about Ambitions!
For those of you who don't already have it anyway...
I'm sure 90% of you do ;)
Rosalie: "My big, strong, masculine ghost catcher! You have such great sex appeal!"
This would not have gone down as well in the real world.
Chase: "Check me out! I've got sex appeal! I'm a stud!"
Of course you are... >_>
Chase: "Your sarcasm can't even bring me down! I'm on top of the world bitches!"
Kingston: "Is it just me, or did the bus driver get our address wrong?"
Stefan: "Yeah.. I was wondering why he dropped us off here..."
Baxter: "Grandpa Chase told me that we were going to be moving, but I thought it would take some time.."
Preceding the many hours required to craft the perfect small house for me, I was finally finished!
The Smiths packed all of their furniture, and moved in right away. However, after selling what I didn't want to keep,
they had over 140,000$ in savings. Can't complain about that!
After reading many other legacies, the Smiths weren't nearly as wealthy as I would have thought after sixteen generations and a
year and a half of work, so I put all but 5,000$ of that money into businesses around town. The Smiths now own the hospital
and another restaurant. In total they own 7 venues. They're practically set for life!
You can view the tour bellow :)
Adam: "And we're set for liquor too!"
Yeah.. I forgot about all that wine..
Speaking from experience, moving is exhausting... I've moved six times in my life.
The boys crashed before the clock struck eight PM that night.
The next morning the boys headed off to school, and their parents started the day.
Adam doing laundry? I never thought I'd see the day!
Adam: "You just never noticed.. Always following someone else around.. How do you think we avoided a laundry crisis?!"
Martinique: "As if. I do the laundry. He's just messing with your head."
He's doing it now.
Martinique: "He puts the clothes in, I hang them up, or dry them and put them away. I get the shit, he gets the glory."
Thank you for doing the laundry Martinique! We all appreciate your efforts!
Martinique: "That's a load of BS if I've ever heard it."
With all of the entertainment spread between two rooms, there was a lot more interaction than what's normal for the Smith household.
Adam: "How is she beating you Eli? You spend so much more time practising."
Martinique: "That's because women have boobs, and boobs rule the world."
Adam: "That makes sense. Hmmm..... So that's why I'm Bella's bitch..."
Chase decided to cook all of the adults some hot dogs for lunch.
Of course cooking wieners isn't the same if you're not wearing your Speedo.
Chase: "OHSHIT! I suck at this! It's burning! NOO!!"
Chase: *Waves spatula*
Chase: "Lookit! I'm gonna flop these wieners! WATCH!"
Impressive. We all love to watch him flip his wieners.
Chase: "NOooooooooooooooo*slowmotion*ooooooooooooo..."
Chase: "..*Continued slow-mo from before* Ooooooooooooo!!"
Chase: "......You didn't see that did you?"
You want the truth, or the lie?
Chase: "Whatever makes the answer 'No'..."
No.. I didn't see that.
Chase: "No one over here saw it?"
Chase: "What about this way?"
No again.
Chase: "Good.. Then we'll just pick this doggy on up."
Chase: "No one has to know!"
Except me.
Chase: "You didn't see anything.. So STFU."
Chase: "Bon appetit!"
Eli: "Mmmm hot dogs! SCORE!"
Adam: "Totally! We've hit the jack pot today!"
Hehehehhe... >:)
Chase: "If you so much as breathe a word of this to anyone.. You'll be sorry."
Super-villain Speedo is on the prowl.. Take cover.. *rolls eyes*
Chase: "I can hear your eyes rolling!"
Ooooo.. I'm so scared.
Chase: "Casey taught me some major ninja moves, so I'd watch your back!"
...You did not just come out of school wearing your underwear...
Matthew: "OMG! LMAO! That's the funniest thing I've ever seen! LOSER!"
Kingston: "Well.. That was slightly embarrassing..."
You think....?
Matthew invited Baxter over after school.. I was a little surprised it was Baxter and not Kingston, but Baxter deserves to know his great-great-great uncle.
Matthew: "Damn you idle hand! I will have revenge!"
Baxter bonded with Rosalie more than his uncle.
Rosalie: "BLARRGHHH! You're so much fun!"
Matthew: "Stupid kid! Following me home from school like you know me! How dare you make faces with MY mother! She's mine you mother stealer!"
Baxter: "....what...?"
Matthew: "Don't you dare make me repeat myself! I hate when people make me repeat myself! I will bite! DON'T TEST ME!!"
Baxter: "I'm so confused...."
Rosalie: "Awww.. My little boy is making friends =) How adorable is that!"
Matthew: *Glares*
Baxter: "You're crazy if you think I'm gonna be friends with THAT meanie bo beanie!"
Rosalie: "Did he just say meanie bo beanie? Hehehe..."
Baxter: "Great! Now the mom is making fun of me too! This family is WEIRD.."
That's grandpa Chase's son.
Baxter: "Well that explains it."
Baxter: "I can have crazy at my own house. Seeya later Matthew."
Rosalie: "Mommy's so proud of you for making friends Matt! Good boy!"
Matthew: "Thanks mom."
Cue the creepy ghost music.
Chase: "Back the hell up ghost vermin. I'm here to suck your souls."
He means the quite literally.
I was actually surprised that the ghosts looked like this.. I honestly thought they would be like the ghosts we see every night.
Chase: "Easy as 1 2 3."
Chase: "Hey, did I get any ectoplasm in my teeth?"
No, but I can't say the same for your uniform.
Chase: "No worries. This was pre-stained to scare the buggers."
Hehehhe buggers...
Chase: "What?"
Never mind.
Chase: "Bad boys. Whatchya gonna do, watchya gonna do when they come for you."
Your scooter is so bad ass it's unbearable.
Chase: "I know. Eat my dust ghosties!"
Chase apparently only has to do one ghost busting a night, so he returned home with all five of the ghosts in his inventory..
Still not quite sure what to do with them.. Do you keep them as pets, or sell them? Not much money in ghost busting, is there?
Aww.. Kingston's being a suck up.
Stefan: "Homework drains the evil right out of me."
While fast asleep dreaming of yetis and their awesomeness, Bella made a wish...
A wish that would totally confuse the hell out of me.. Why would she want to stop being friends with her own son?!
That's just cold Bella! VERY COLD!
The ghosts survived the move intact.
Sophia: "What's crackalackin'?"
Gia: "Late night TV is so wrong..."
The following day, Eli finally got around to finding himself a job.. What a guy!
So what's the plan Eli?
Eli: "I'm gonna kick some fire ass!"
What could be more perfect for Eli?
Eli: "Omg.. Is that who I think it is?!"
I think some supervision might be needed down at the fire house...
Eli: "Holy shit! I'm gonna love this job!"
Chase: "If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! If it's somethin' weird and
it won't look good. Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!"
Chase: "If you're seein' things runnin' thru your head. Who can you call? GHOSTBUSTERS! An' invisible man sleepin' in your bed.
Oh who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!"
Chase: "I ain't afraid of no ghost!"
That one is particularly creepy!
Chase: "Shhh! It will hear you! Remember, we ain't afraid of no ghost!"
Kingston: "Ohmygod."
Kingston: "She is NOT wearing her bloomers out in public, is she?"
Why yes indeed, I think she is.
Kingston: "She's trying to kill me from embarrassment isn't she?"
Chase: *Pouts*
What's up crank pot?
Chase: "Oh nothing. Just enjoying the beautiful sunrise from this lovely lounger you were so kind as to put here for my relaxation."
Then why were you making grumpy faces?
Chase: "Because this jack ass of a plant is ruining it for me! You good for nothing waste of greenery!"
Always the hate for the plants...
Chase: "They start it!"
Looks like the boys brought their aunt Mary Anne home from school today!
Eli: "You better be respectful to those flight attendants!"
Eli: "You never know what CRAAAAZY shit they are going to pull. I hear they're always close to the breaking point."
Mary Anne: "Why thank you sir.. for that.... Interesting advice. I'll try to keep that in mind when flying Jetblue."
Adam: "OH NO! This house is haunted!"
And you're just figuring that out?
Adam: "NOO! Don't let them take me! I want to live! I'm too well dressed to die!"
Adam: "GASP! I can't hold on any longer! I'm going down!"
Adam: "RUN ELI! Run while you still can!"
Eli: "What's he going on about?"
Nothing.. He's just proving to us that in the case of Baxter, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.
Adam: ".........."
Chase: "OH HELLS NO! A ghost kid?! In my house?!"
Chase: *Barfs in hand*
While checking on everyone the next day, I realized that Eli had arrived on a fire call without any input on my part.. Where was it?
Oh at Cecilia's house of course.. In the nursery.. Where else?
Eli: "OMG it's frickin' hot in here!"
You don't say...
Eli: "I do say!"
I was very proud of Eli for taking this situation into his own hands. If left up to me, Cecilia's family would have all perished in
this tragic nursery fire...
Caused by the incense that was left on by Rena.. Bitch.
Eli: "Oh Veronica! You're okay! Grandpa loves you SOOOOOOOO MUCH!"
No thanks to her grandmother...
Veronica: "Yeah yeah.. I know."
Cecilia was hoping this would be cause enough to lock up her horrible mother in law.. Unfortunately, that's not the way
the law system works in Twinbrook...
That horrible woman deserves life for this!
Adam: "Our kids are growing up so fast! Why I remember when I was up all night feeding them and changing their nasty diapers."
Bella: "You have no idea how glad I am that part is over! They're birthday is today! Can you believe that?!"
Adam: "It makes me want to cry."
Bella: "It makes ME want to swing."
The boys were all well behaved.. for the most part anyway...
Kingston: "If we didn't have grandma, we would be starving. Mom and dad have never cooked a meal to save their life."
Baxter: "I'm not sure I'd want to eat what they cooked if they did."
Kingston: "Amen to that."
Well it's time.. I can't believe it.. I can't believe my grandkids are growing up so soon =*)
Stefan: "I wish you'd stop pretending you were our grandma."
Grandma knows you don't mean that Stefan... It's your Evil talking.
Eli: "OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! This is the most awesome day of awesomeness EVER!"
Bella: "What about when I grew up dad?"
Stefan: "Check it ;).."
Can you say, HOT!?
Baxter: "Hmmmm.. Wishes are tough.. I don't want to wish the wrong way and regret it.. I wish for.. No.. I'm not wishing.. It's not safe."
Good choice Baxter.
Chase: "I came home for this? Boo."
Kingston: "Ew gross! Check out his eyebrows! Someone give him a razor! PLEASE!"
I know he's cute under all that eyebrow hair...
Kingston: "Shewwwww!"
Kingston: "OMG I'm gonna be so much hotter than them two!"
Kingston: "RIGHT?!"
*Crickets chirping...*
That's the hottest hair in the world.
Kingston: "Booyeah!"
Notice how everyone took off by this time..
Martinique: "I've seen enough bad hair to last me a lifetime."
Stefan had Hot Headed locked in as his fourth trait. He rolled the wish Emperor of Evil sometime later.. I had to accept.. It's so him.
Baxter had Dramatic locked in as his fourth trait, and still has yet to roll a LTW. He looks so much like my side of the family :D
Kingston was the only one who didn't have a trait locked in, so he rolled Hopeless Romantic as his fourth trait.
His LTW was to be Super Popular. I'm sure he can pull it off. He's likable <3
Bella: "I'm on top of the world!"
Again with the intimates being worn outdoors.. You're not insane.. I should not have to tell you how inappropriate that is.
Bella: "But I'm inappropriate!"
Oh.. right...
Kingston: "Here fly.. Come to papa..."
I think everyone's prediction of Kingston being a mini Chase is coming true...
Kingston: "YUMMY!"
Adam: "I really have nothing to say to that..."
I know how you feel about Kingston's craziness.. It's not your fault.
Adam: "Damn that Chase! He screwed up my kid!"
Kingston: "Well that game was fun!"
Bella: "So I don't know if you heard.. but Stefan is the shit. He's hot stuff in this house."
Kingston: "Sighh... I don't carrrreee.. Yawn."
Stefan: "He better care! I'll make him care!"
What about them?
Bella: "THEY'RE DIRTY AS F#@$!"
Your solution is ingenious.
Stefan: "I'll show my brothers who's the king of this lair!"
Stefan: "I'm a doctor coming to take your temperature anally!"
Baxter: "OMGNO! That's my worst fear EVER!"
Stefan: "Gotchya!"
Baxter: "That was so mean.."
Kingston: "Ignore his meanness Baxter.. BLARGHH! I'm Stefan! I'm a jerk hole!"
Baxter: "Hahaha! I like to lick butts and donate to evil charities!"
Kingston: "GUESS WHAT?!"
Baxter: "What?! Tell me! What?"
Kingston: "Pull my finger!"
Baxter: "What?!"
Kingston: "You need to pull my finger!"
Baxter: "Eww! No! I won't pull your finger!"
Baxter: "You're so gross."
Baxter: "But I love you anyway!"
Kingston: "Best brothers for life!"
Eli: "Guess who forgot my birthday!"
I didn't forget.. I just wanted to keep you young as long as possible.
Eli: "Well I can't blame you for that.."
Eli: "My ass cheeks have headed south for the winter!"
Eli: "I look like an aged prune.. Don't look at me!"
After a little makeover, Eli was as good as can be expected for an oldie..
Stefan: "If I'm going to be the Emperor of Evil, I'm going to need an evil theme song.."
Kingston: "My nose can't take the smell from your awful guitar playing! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!"
Stefan: "You know I'm sensitive about my guitar playing.. That was uncalled for.."
Baxter: "Ever since Stefan threatened me with that rectal thermometer, I can't get that damn image out of my head!"
And to think you have to sleep next to him.
Baxter: "Oh no.. I never thought of that.. How am I supposed to sleep if he's in the bed next to me?!"
Stefan: "You better be afraid bitch! I will cut your throat!"
Baxter: "Here comes the panic attack!"
Relax Baxter.. Go take a hot bath and RELAX.
Baxter: "Eeee.. This bathroom is dark and creepy.. =S..."
There! Do you feel better?
Baxter: "For now.."
That's all the time I have for this chapter.. Voting time is here.. It's actually here! It feels like it was just yesterday that we had the heiress vote for Bella, and now we're almost beginning generation SEVENTEEN! =O
Thanks so much for reading guys. You will need to vote
HERE. Don't forget to comment here first though :) And if anyone wants to step up and count the written votes, please ask. Oh and I can see your IP address, so if you double vote.. so help me god.. I will be pissed. lol.
Don't make new ID's to vote above. I can tell if you did that too... I'm not stupid, so please don't.