Author's Note: Sorry about the delay on this chapter guys.. I've been all over the place the past week. If you don't keep up with the Facebook Fanpage, this will come as a total surprise to you..
rubystone77 and I have decided to combine our legacies. This is not the chapter where that happens. Nicolle has been here since Thursday last week, and we have been touring all over my province, so we have not had time to sim until yesterday.
Chase Smith as the great-great grandfather.
Eli and Martinique as the grandparents.
Bella and Adam as the parents trying to get a handle on their new triplets.
Stefan Smith as the oldest of the triplets. Stefan is the Evil and manipulative little boy.
Baxter Smith is the middle triplet. He is the little angel who could do no wrong.
Kingston Smith is the youngest triplet. He enjoys talking to walls and inanimate objects. I sense a mini Chase coming on ;)
Matthew Smith as Chase's fish headed son. He really doesn't have a fish head (duh), but I didn't want to ruin his birthday with the introduction picture ;)
Last time on the Smith Family Legacy...
Bella and Adam struggled with new parenthood, while ultimately deciding to hold off on any wedding plans until the kids were old enough to attend the ceremony. Martinique ate ambrosia and returned to life! Chase tried to make plans with Rosalie, only to be shut down. Etc...
Missed Something Important?
Generation Sixteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two Adam: "What ever possessed me to have so many is beyond me."
Kingston: *Crawls innocently*
Adam may have found it difficult at times, but he really loved his three sons.
Kingston: "Hi daddy. I love you!"
Adam: "This one is so darn cute I could cry."
Kingston: "I could use this to my advantage one day.. >:).."
Adam: "Daddy loves you best <3"
Stefan: "AHEM! Excuse me! Someone needs to change my diaper before they make it on my bad list. Trust me. You don't want to be on my bad list."
Adam: *Ignores Stefan's threat*
Kingston: "I really don't want to make it to his bad list, so you better pay attention."
Kingston: "Okay.. This is the exact moment of my childhood I will be able to look back on when I'm in therapy. This is the cause of my future nightmares and rebellion, so if I kill someone, I blame it on this.."
Kingston: "Dad... You mind putting some pants on..? Mmkaythanks."
Eli: "Someone forgot about you Stefan..?"
Stefan: "Yep, and now my bad list is two people longer than it was last night."
Stefan: "But you, my dear, are safely on my good list."
Eli: "What happens if you are on the bad list?"
Stefan: "Don't you worry your pretty little head.. You have immunity.. Well, until you mess up anyway."
Eli: *Gulp*
Adam, Chase and Eli spent an entire afternoon teaching the boys how to walk and talk...
Meanwhile the girls...
Bella: "And he wants me to drop EVERYTHING and marry him JUST like that. Can you believe it? What if I want to be single? What if I want to try my go at other men? What IF?!"
Bella: "Maybe even try my hand at a woman. Lord knows they won't knock me up with triplets."
Martinique: "Take a breather here Bella. You're starting to freak me out."
Bella: "I'm not just going to give in to all his demands and walk down the isle that easily. I need to be my own person, you know?"
Martinique: "Uhm... Yeah.. I guess so..."
Bella: "Good... Then we see eye to eye."
Bella: "You guys should really start making your bed. A clean house, is a happy house."
Martinique: "Mood swings much?"
Back in the nursery...
Adam: "It's okay Kingston. There's always next time! Take it slow!"
Baxter: "I can do it! I'm gonna do it! =D"
Baxter: "LOOKIT! I'm walking! I REALLY AM WALKING!"
Baxter: "Don't let me fall! I'm scared!"
Chase: "I would never let my favourite fall!"
It's nice to know that you WOULD let the other two.
Chase: "LOOK! NO HANDS!"
Adam: "How dare you air praise my baby! What is wrong with you man!"
Kingston: "Really though! That's unacceptable!"
Eli: "So who is your favourite member of this household?"
Stefan: "Grandpa."
Eli: "Goooooood... Now who is the coolest guy in the universe?"
Stefan: "Grandpa."
Eli: "YOU'RE GETTING IT! Now who is the sexiest, most compelling red head who ever had the goodness to grace the population with his most awesome presence?"
Stefan: "Sighhh.. GRANDPA."
Eli: "This one is my favourite."
Baxter: "And I should care.... Why...?"
Baxter: "I'm boreded. Why don't you find something else to do?"
Chase: ".... Okay..."
Chase: "I'll call up Matthew and invite him over for dinner.. Wait... Since when could a toddler answer the phone..?"
Matthew is a child now.. It's been that long?!
Chase: "This makes me very sad.."
Chase: "HEY BUDDY! What's up! Wanna come hang with your very old man?"
I'm so damn sick of them faking me out! >:(
This is what happens when kids have too many toys.. It confuses them...
Baxter: "Oooo.. Lookit what I found! It's a stick with a ball on the end! KEWL!"
Bella: "You're supposed to bang the ball on that colourful thing-a-ma-bob.. Right there.. Do it."
Baxter: "Hold up.... I don't take musical demands.. I make music on my own terms."
Baxter: "NOMNOMNOM!"
Bella: "YAY BAXTER! That's beautiful music!"
Baxter: "This lady is whacked."
Bella: "Good job son! What a big boy!"
I would have to agree with Baxter on this one..
Stefan: "May I spread my misery to all those who walk past...WAHHHHHHHH!"
Following the realization of Matthew's growth, I decided to check in on him and his mother, to find out WHY they continued to turn down Chase's invite requests... Little buggers were at the library.. Is that what suddenly came up?! REALLY!?
Matthew: "YAWWWNNN!"
Matthew still has my heart.. He is the cutest of Chase's sons.. You can not deny it.. Don't try!
Matthew: "Oh.. Hello there LillyFlowerPlant.. I didn't mean to walk in on you like this.. How very rude of me.. Please accept my deepest apologies.. I will knock next time..."
This is the first Smith that has every taken all of Bethany's genes. He has her skin, eyes, hair... I love this kid.
Matthew: "The voices!! WHY!?"
This must be the only place the voices don't plague him...
Stefan: "This is the perfect place to hide and appear at random moments that cause trouser peeing and heart attacks."
Matthew: "So that's where I get it from..."
Chase: "So that's where he gets it from..."
Chase: "Oh son.. Your mother has been keeping me from seeing you, but I'm so glad that you escaped her needy neediness."
Matthew: "I skipped school to do it, so don't tell her."
Chase: "Hot chick, my twelve o'clock."
Matthew: "WHERE?!"
Papergirl: "Crazy is so last week."
Matthew: "PSH! Crazy is like a good wine. It gets better with age."
While rushing to the rescue, Eli sustained a life threatening butt cheek injury.
Eli: "I really don't appreciate your tone."
What tone?
Eli: "Just shut the hell up and call me an ambulance."
Eli: "F#*@ this shit. I'm not dealing with his crying for bad moodlets any more!"
Stefan: "FIRE!"
Stefan: "I wish for a robot to do all my bad deeds while I laugh in the background... SHEWWWW..."
Eli: "What he said.. SHEWW.."
Stefan: "I better get me one of those!"
I spent a good 3 minutes laughing at Stefan's hair outcome.
Stefan: "That bad list is now to three."
You don't scare me >_>
Stefan rolled Daredevil as his third trait.
Kingston: "WHEEEE! Who needs toys when you can rock on your butt!"
Stefan: "This is going to be like stealing candy from a baby....."
Stefan: "Come here Kingston.. Hug your big brother!"
Kingston: "OKAY! Yay! I love you Stefan!"
Stefan: "MWHAHAH! Think again little boy! I've got your lollipop! MWHAHAHAHHAHAHA!"
Kingston: "..D= I didn't know I had a lollipop!"
Stefan: "You snooze, you looze!"
Chase: "Blow them out on three.. One... Two..Three... SHEWWW!"
Baxter: "Shewwww!"
Baxter: "I want some money to donate to the homeless! WHEEE!"
Baxter: "I'm gonna start my own animal shelter when I grow up!"
Adam: "He so didn't take after me.... Right..? Tell me the hair isn't my fault! PLEASE!"
No... He doesn't look like you did at all....
Baxter rolled COWARD as his third trait.. He is even more like his father than is initially apparent.
Martinique: "I'm disgusted..."
Eli: "I'm gonna hurl!"
Before doing anything else, Baxter hurried up the stairs and into the play room, where his younger brother sat moping over his lost lollipop...
Baxter: "Hush Kingston.. Stefan is a jerk.. We will get you another one of those lollipops, I promise."
Kingston: "Thanks Baxter.. You're the better one..."
Each of the boys was carried up to the cake by the man who taught them how to walk...
Kingston: "I wish for a Venus Stefan Trap that will gobble him whole!"
Kingston: "Hehehe.. That lollipop thief will get what's coming to him."
Baxter: "I'm scared...."
Kingston: "Don't worry brother.. You will get a makeover and no one will remember that you used to look like a girl...."
Kingston had disciplined locked in as his third trait.
It's not often that a child is cuter than a toddler, but Stefan's cuteness stands out more now that he is a bit older...
Stefan: "Check me out! People are going to LOOOOVEEE me!"
Baxter looks exactly like his father.. I don't see any of Bella in him what-so-ever...
Baxter: "Can I donate money now?! CAN I!?"
Sure.. Knock yourself out.
Kingston.. What can I say... <3.. This kid is even cuter than Matthew... If he had red hair, he would knock you out.
Kingston: "I'm not sure I like this..."
Kingston: "JUST KIDDING! You did good! I like the monkey!"
Bella: "In this box is our future..."
Adam: "Are you saying that our future is as small as that box?"
Bella: "Stop over analyzing!"
Bella: "It's an engagement ring. See four yourself!"
Adam: "Whhhhhaaatt...?!?!"
Bella: "Adam Lewis.. We have been through everything together.. I've known you since pre-school.. I crushed on you since I was seven years old.. Even after you told me I was unworldly.. We made three beautiful, however messed up, boys together.. Will you marry me?"
Bella: "I was hoping you would say that."
Bella: "Wanna try it on?"
Adam: "OMG! It fits perfect! This moment is perfect! You make a girl.. I mean boy... So happy!"
Adam: "It's so pretty! <3!"
Adam: "This is going to be the best wedding any town has ever seen!"
Bella: "You can count on that."
The family was ecstatic with the change of views on Bella's part.. Everyone was invited. Chase even decided to give his best penpal, Melissa Gibson a call and invite their family to the ceremony. After a little bit of begging...
Melissa Gibson agreed to fly her family of eight down to Twinbrook to attend the wedding of Chase's great-granddaughter.
Chase: "Everyone's on their way!! This is going to be awesome!"
Read the Gibson's introduction to Twinbrook before the wedding begins