The Smith Family Legacy - Generation Fourteen - Chapter Seven

Jun 11, 2010 16:21

Author's Note/Super Long Update: Welcome back to the Smith Family Legacy everyone! I know the last chapter(s) left you all a little shocked and sad, but I'll try to make it up to you... Before you get your hopes up, no, I am not bringing Charlie back. I didn't get the option to bring her grave to the science centre, so that explains why she can't come back..

Carlie is a little ugly, yes, but she is not ugly because she is chubby. There is nothing wrong with her body. Maybe it is her pot belly combined with her hair.. I don't know.. She isn't meant to be a looker anyways!..

For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, you will notice some changes somewhere along the line.. I got Ambitions for my birthday (thanks hun!), but it didn't work on either of my computers. I ended up getting a new one altogether. The Smiths kept crashing.. Something was going on with their house.. I had to build them a new one. You can see the tour on Facebook (Video tour!)

They were continuing to crash even in their new house... Couldn't figure it out.. I finally decided to search around on the net for possible solutions, and found out my paging file size was too small! I customized the size of it, and PERFECT. I have never played with higher graphics/speed/no crashes EVA! =D Yay!

Rant over.. On with the story!

This program may contain content that is not suitable for a younger audience. Viewer discretion is advised...

Last time on the Smith Family Legacy.
Charlie drowned in the long forgotten pool. Chase was promoted to Rock Star. Emmett was full of him self. Jack was lazy. Eli was Eli and the family replaced one little girl with another...

Missed something?

Generation Fourteen:
Chapter One - Chapter Two 
Chapter Three - Chapter Four
Chapter Five - Chapter Six

Don't worry.. Carlie gets better with age... I just HAD to make her wear an outfit that accentuates her pot belly...

I'm cool like that.

Chase was inspired by Melissa Gibson's website, so he spent his evening picking up random seeds and buying the fruit that he didn't pick up, at the grocery store.

Chase: "Grow my precious seedlings. I will be back to water you in the morning."

Chase's gnome had not moved an inch since he got it. I decided to give him a name.. Maybe that will convince him to animate himself...? Everyone, this is Willy. Willy, this is everyone.

Willy: *Waves*

Chase: "I'll teach you to steal my thunder! Low kick! HIIIYAHH!"

Willy: *Head-grass*

Chase eventually got around to replying to Melissa Gibson's latest e-mail.

Chase seems to be a klutz when it comes to electronics.

The computer (and everything else) was breaking. On second thought, it's all Carlie's fault!

Carlie: "HEY! What did I do?!"

Carlie: "Vicious understands me! He knows that it wasn't me!"

Every ugly duckling can have a cute moment <3

Cute moment over... What was I thinking with that outfit? XD

Carlie: "A dash of paprika and BOOM! There you have it! Stu Surprise!"

The family had finally stopped mourning Charlie's death.. Things began to return to normal.

Normal in Smith terms anyway...

Chase spent a good weekend improving his gardening skill.

Carlie tried desperately to find a place in her adoptive family, though I'm not sure this is the way to do it.

Clarissa: "Something embarrassing just went down."

Carlie: "Eww! IS that what I think it is?!"

Clarissa: "Doesn't she know old people pee when they sneeze!? How dare she scare me like that?!"

Chase wasn't the only one improving himself over the weekend.

The rest of the family took up a different skill to improve on as well.

Even Carlie joined in!

Emmett felt he was too good to sit with the rest of his family... Loner.

Eli: "HEY there ladies!"

Eli: *Eyebrow lift*

..... =|

Eli: "I will rock your world *wink*..."

Yes.. All of the boys are full of themselves... Moving along...

Nick: "Why is it so quiet? Did they all die?! This is not normal..."

No.. They are all reading! Isn't it peaceful?

Nick: "Really? Well.. That's strange... Anyways... More video games for me!"

Nick: "Couldn't you guys have read somewhere else? It's a little hard to see over this plant on the coffee table!"

Charlie regularly haunts the family.. Tonight is no exception.

Charlie: "I have to give the people what they want, and they want moi!"

Charlie: "What's with all the bald ghosts around here! GROSS!"

I really don't understand why this reaction is necessary for ghosts.. They shouldn't find each other repulsive...

Charlie: "Hey guys! I'm home!"

Charlie: "Guys?"

It's 2:00 am.. Everyone is fast asleep...

Charlie: "Fine... Be that way.. =(..."

Charlie: "I'll just rest my eyes until they wake up."


Carlie: "I may be new here, but a floating bench is NOT normal."

It is in this house.

Bria: "Huuuuuuuuuummmmmmm...."

Bria always meditates before going on with her haunting ritual.

Carlie:"OH JEBUS! Someone PLEASE tell that man to put some frickin' pants on!"

**Not pictured: Emmett doing an aerobic workout in his underpants**

Carlie: "You disgust me."

Chase's gardening took up a lot of his spare time. He really wanted to improve the quality of his wine, but without decent fruit, that would never happen.

Chase: "At least I can grow weeds!"
Good for you man, good for you.

Clarissa: "Hey there Emmett!"

Clarissa: "Anyone ever tell you that you resemble a llama?"

Emmett: "No... Why?"

Clarissa: "Huh... I just find you very llama-ish."

Emmett: "Well if I'm a llama, Jack's a pig!"

Clarissa: "There is no denying the truth in that! Ehehehe!"

Emmett: "Oh we're bad!"

Clarissa: "Shh! Don't tell him I said that!"

Across town...

Sophia's reports for work were not going so well.. The easiest way to fix this was to get her to rifle through the trash of a family that had just moved to Sunset Valley.

Sophia: "Are they looking?!"

No.. Even if they were looking, I don't think digging through their trash is a crime.

Sophia: "Still. Dumpster diving is a crime of morals."

Sophia: "I smell all kinds of awful."

Sophia: >:(

Sophia: "What up with the bike?! You want me to add sweat to the rotting garbage smell? That's very kind of you."

<3 Love you too Sophia.

Sophia: *typing* The Pascals are the newest family in town. I know from first hand experience that this family does not seperate their compostables from their recycables. Where did they come from, the 90's? *end typing*

Chase: "You weeds better feel the intensity of my old man wrath!! I will end your life before you even had a chance to live! MWAHA!"

Chase: "You guys better not argue while daddy's away. You are all equally special to me. Now grow! Grow as fast as you can!"

Casey: "Concentration is essential in simfu..."

Casey: "As is aim.."

Casey: "WTH happens if I miss?!?!"

Worst case scenerio, you break your hand.

Casey: "On second thought.. Maybe breaking boards is not my thing...  Let's stick with getting slapped in the face by wooden dummy, yeah?"

No... You won't be happy until you break a board with the board breaker, so get to it!

Eli: "Charlie? You mind NOT watching me do my homework? Thanks... Oops.. I mean Carlie.. Either way, just get lost."

Eli: "You know this girl doesn't do Charlie justice. No one could replace her. Especially not that thing."

It's okay Eli.. I know you miss your big sister <3

Speaking of Carlie.. Time to age her up! Cross your fingers!

Carlie: "Why should they cross their fingers? Lord knows I will be beautiful."

Chase: "AHHAHAA! This is going to be a riot!"

Clarissa: "Must not stare directly at it!"

Eli: *Gags*


Carlie: "Heyyy!"

Despite the outfit, it is 100% better than I expected!

I love her eyes.

Emmett: "Yeah, cept she could use a good 150 mile jog."

Carlie: "Shut the hell up Emmett. Everyone knows you have a thing for guys. Butt licker."

Emmett: "I hate you."

Carlie rolled Genius as her fourth trait.

Carlie: "I was always a genius, you just didn't know it."

Carlie: "Now if you will excuse me........"

Carlie's favourite thing to do is scare people... Isn't it obvious?

Carlie: "Nope.. It's mysterious.. mwhaha..."


Sophia: "YES! I broke the computer! SCORE! No more reports on the newbies in town! WOOT!"

Carlie: "Oh this is going to be good. You watching?"

Carlie: >=)

Sophia: "I wonder what Casey is whipping up for dinner tonight..."

Carlie: "Dinner? Mmm... I hope it's something awesome..."

Sophia: "AHHHCHOOO!"



Carlie: "LOVE the reaction mom!"

Sophia: "I am not your mother! I don't even know you!"

Carlie: "Oh damn! That was fun! Who else can I scare?!"

No one! Go do your homework or something.

Emmett: "Damn girl is messing up our family name!"

Emmett: "I don't want the kids at school to think that we are related! What if they think it's by blood?! I don't know if I will ever find someone to date me if they know!"

Emmett: "Maybe we can ship her to the other side of the globe? Idea!"

Chase's diet consisted mostly of Life Fruit, but I allowed him to mix it up a bit...

By mix it up, I mean drink it instead of eat it.

Chase: "My pee glows."

Jack: "I can't believe you are scared of water!"

Jack: "Now THAT is funny."

Carlie: D=

Jack: "Look at me! I'm Carlie, and I'm scared to go swimming! AHH HELP! The pool drain will eat my toes!"

Carlie: "Oh you are so gonna die tonight!"

Carlie: "HOW DARE YOU! I can't believe you're not afraid of the pool! Especially after your sister drowned!"

Carlie: "Don't pretend you can't hear me!"

Jack: "I think there's a build up of wax. All I hear is BLAHHH BLAH BLAHHH!"

Carlie: "Oh that's good. I'm so impressed by your extremely original come backs!"

Carlie: "Yo momma is a llama!"

Jack: "WHAT?!?!"


Jack: "Hold up there a second! Number one - she reads the best bed time stories EVER. Number two - she is a bad ass guitar player, and number three - SHE'S YOUR MOM TOO!"

Jack: "Freak!"


Jack: "What do you have to say for yourself now?!"

Carlie: "All I have to say is that I hope you get fat and lose all your hair."

Carlie: *Stomps toes*


Casey: "I'll just watch this from a distance..."

Jack: "At least I'm not already fat and ugly! HA!"

Eli:"What the hell is geometry going to do for me later in life anyways! This is such a waste of time! ARGH!"

Carlie: "Take that back!!"


Jack: "I declare us enemies! FOREVER!"

Jack: "You better watch your back woman. Lock your doors. Jack will stab you in your sleep."

Carlie: "MOTHER #$@!!!!!"

Carlie: "I'm gonna beat the jerk out of you!"

Eli: "Homework... Please shut the hell up."

Carlie: "Who's your daddy now Jack! AHAH!"

Jack: *Punches self*

Carlie: "Someone come take out the trash!"

Carlie: "WORD."

Jack: "She's so horrible!!"

Sorry Jack.. You started that one...

Carlie: "And I finished it. Because that's what happens when you disrespect a woman."

Jack: "It's only a matter of time before I seek revenge."

Carlie: "You're not fooling anyone Jack. I'll just kick your sorry ass AGAIN. That's how it will go. Save yourself the trouble. Go watch a movie and die."

What's the hold up?

Either a fish was born, or a fish died.. They die all the time.. Only to be replaced almost immediately by another fish. Banana-Hammock enjoys his fish booty calls.

Carlie: "#$*@'N DAMN THING! IT'S A %#@'N STUPID #@*$'N SHOWER! #@!$ YOU!!!!!!!!!!!"


Carlie: "I hate this day forever."

Carlie: *Fixes Shower*

Hmmm.. I'd watch myself around this one...

Chase: "HOLY CHEESE FRIES!! I got myself some mail! =D"

Chase: "I'm so excited that my eye is twitching!"

Chase: "Do you think she is crushing on me?"

No.. I didn't get that at all... You're just full of yourself like the rest of the men in this family.

Chase: "Yeah.. I guess you're right. She just likes my music!"


Casey: "That Miley Cyrus is a genius! It's always a party in the USA! WOO!"

Casey: "Break it down!"

Casey: "I'm noddin' my head like Yeah. Movin' my hips like yeah!"

Clarissa: "That man has the nicest ass I have ever seem on a ninety-eight year old man."

Clarissa: "Don'tchya just want to pinch it?"

No... Not really...

Chase: "I know you have a thing for my butt Clarissa, but do you mind not serenading it?"

Casey: "I can't believe your wife sings songs about your butt! That is so weird!"

I'm not sure why, but Chase found this utterly hilarious.


Chase: "Teehee."

Chase: "Thanks for the laugh son. I needed that."

Casey: "No prob."

Chase: "Uh.. yeah.. I think there might be a prob.. Your head is on crooked."

Casey: "Meh. It will snap back.. give it a good 1 1/2 seconds."

Sophia: "Why do male maids always think they are the hottest thing to happen to us?"

Roger (because I seriously forgot his name): "Excuse me lady, but I'm the hottest thing to hit this house since Grady Elfman!"

Chase got a message the other day that Grady passed away from old age :*( Poor Grady.. We shall miss you!

I may just miss him more than Charlie...

Roger: "I'll be anything you want me to be babe ;)..."

Sophia: "First off, that's not appropriate to say to the woman who signs your pay cheque and secondly, why are you so full of yourself? What do you think is so damn hot about you?"

Roger: "Dollface.. You know you can't resist my bulging pectoral muscles and pearly white teeth... On top of that I smell like that guy on that old spice commercial

image Click to view

Roger: "I was THIS close to playing the part of that guy! Can you believe it! Now I'm stuck doing a job I hate for people who are rich and unrealistically attractive!"

Roger: "Damn you guys and your perfect noses!!"

Roger: "If it was up to me, I'd bust a cap in those flawless noses! You guys would finally be able to fit in with us regular people!"

Roger: "I'd do it with a bat!"

Sophia: "Uh.. Roger... I'm trying to write a newspaper article on you.. This will only send my husband over to make good on your own threat."

Roger: "Red head say what?!!"

Roger: "Uhahaa.. I was just kidding lady!"

Roger: "You women are always misinterpreting what us innocent men are saying."

Roger: "Go take a PMS pill or something. I never said I would break your noses with a bat! Who says shit like that? Not me!"

Sophia: "Mmmkay..."

The game ended up having a save error.. This had been happening to me a lot in the last few weeks. I always have to move the lot and save the neighbourhood from edit town.. Thus canceling all interactions and forcing the Smiths to camp on their front lawn.


Emmett: "And I love me."

Unfortunately, I confused the shit out of Serena in the process...


Serena: "SERIOUSLY! It's not even remotely funny! I know you're out there!"


Carlie: "And my favourite colour is.. Hmm... Just wait.. Let me think about it... BLACK!"

Eli: "You don't say...."

Serena: "If you hadn't of been adopted by my aunt and uncle, none of this BS with the world falling would have happened! What do you have to say for yourself missy!!?"

Serena: "I'm very disappointed in you for being born!"

Carlie: "I'm sorry =(..."

Serena: "That's all I ask.. =).."

Sophia suddenly remembered that her only daughter (minus the adopted Carlie,) had died less than a week ago...

Sophia: "Oh! It's so tragic!!"

Sophia: "Casey.. I was just.. I was just.. Crying a little..."

Casey: "That's what I came out here to do.. I like to talk to Charlie when I feel that way.. Somehow it seems like she is listening."

Sophia: "You always know just what to say!"


Sophia: "Do you think she's okay? I mean.. Do you think that she's in heaven?"

Casey: "I very much doubt that.. I think she's tormenting the shit out of poor grimsey... He won't be too happy with the next Smith to go.."

Sophia: "I'm so glad I'm not next in line!"

That's it for this chapter everyone! Looks like Clarissa discovered the reality in what Sophia just said.. Though I promise you, it isn't anytime soon... Not in the next two chapters anyways..

Thanks for reading! Sorry again about the delay :)

generation fourteen

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