Aug 29, 2004 22:31
There’s something deep in darkness
I think its chasing me
Somehow we walked alone in death
Some where we found a place to be
I sense there’s something different
I hear its raising presence
It calls out for vengeance
I saw a man un-waken
Torn by his folded soul
Selfless I love my life to death
I run fast through voices
As it creeps its hand
My feet upon the acid
Broken glass passed through skin
There’s danger in my darkness
I think its closing in
I kneel by warm destruction
Elegant sands, clouded beth
Just know its claws had snapped
We saw the violent end
A smell of poison ribbons
Blanket my fathers sky
They screamed for life un-given
I hope it lets me die
'Wouldn’t Keep Stones' Copyright © David Scheier
Copyright is property of the above author. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.