Apr 03, 2006 16:40
I freaking hate the last nine weeks. Everything seems more drawn out. More pain-stakingly achieved with a far-greater deal of effort having been recquired to be put forth. Like it will never, ever, end.
I'm filled to the brim with anxiousness for this bloody year to end. Rising Junior. Just sort of rolls off the tongue, no?
Two years closer to freedom from the cuckoo's nest. FREEDOM.
When we were in Virginia, we visited William and Mary's Campus. My gosh. I can still feel the extreme lurch I felt in my stomach and the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The air was sweeter, the sky bluer, and the ground softer. Perhaps that was just because it was I could almost taste the feeling of independance in the air--as if it was actually a tangible, wholly real thing. College is something I've been looking forward to since I was old enough to think, something that has been tied to my existance since that very existance began and the feeling of mental existance was awakened within me. Perhaps to me, it is because College represents that freedom that I have been denied for so long. The oxygen that I have suffocated without for so long. Have been stifled and smothered due to lack thereof in my current world. I cannot begin to imagine what it'll be like, but dammit, do I look forward to it.
For now, I remained glued in front of my computer with two take home tests due tomorrow for World History, Math Homework, and various elements of studying. Not an overly heavy load, all things considered. And yet, the burden of all this work seems to grow heavier and heavier each day, regardless of the actual individual amount, because it is all merely heaped onto a never ending pile atop my head, crushing all other thoughts as it swamps my very brain with only thoughts of school work soccer grades obligations restrictions responsibilities future. I feel it crushing down upon me right now as I sit here typing, avoiding it, not daring to look it directly in it's devilish eyes. Oh, how tired I have grown of school! Something I used to respect and even cherish. Now, it is but a prison to which I am bound, learning the methods of how to graph functions and determine the heat of solution for yadda yadda god knows what and things I'll never need to know let alone will never care for.
And, I might add, Daniel is a freaking genius boy.
Daniel to my insidious brother on St. Pat's day:
Happy St. Patrick's Day you bloody Irish man. Now go back to Ireland, eat your potatoes, drink some whiskey, and call you wife a skank. Bye.