Title: Beautiful Disaster (15/31)
smartyshortie and
trixter21 Fandom: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia (...do you really have to ask?)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: We don't own them. If you sue...you're either an idiot, a lawyer, or a true American--as suing is the American way. =P And if you're from somewhere cooler than America, you shouldn't have to sue anyways. XD
Spoilers: Well...y'know what? If you don't know what happens...I suggest you open a book. Read a news article. Watch the amazing movie, even, for Pete's sake. Why? Because everyone knows what happened on the Titanic. >.> If you don't...then I feel really, really sorry for your neglected, poorly-informed self. XD
Summary: "Maybe you're supposed to be here, on this ship, Alex. Maybe life was supposed to be this way. For all intents and purposes--God's good timing, fate, the grand scheme of things." AU A/O Titanic RP awesomeness.
A/N: See
this post for everything you need to know about this fic. It is highly recommended that you read it to better understand everything that is going on.
A/N 2: You do not need to join the comm to read the fic or to know when we update. All updates will be posted to
aoshippers , P&P and our own private journals
OMG I AM SOOO SORRY! I am an idiot. I sooo meant to post this like a week ago. Totes forgot. So yeah. Here it is. If you don't remember, this is after the dinner, they are going down to third class...So yeah...third class party anyone? <.< >.> SORRY!
"Dance with me." "Always."
Chapter Fifteen