Tiny little drabble written for lawandorder100 community. Figured I'd share it here...
Title: Abbie Cuts To The Chase
Flavor: SVU (mostly, with Abbie Charmichael)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 100
Oh, how I miss the good ol' days.....
When Alex called it a night, Olivia chivalrously rose to help with her coat. The detective then, as always, let the attorney leave with little more than a 'see you Monday'.
As she watched the blonde retreat, Olivia heard a groan from the remaining attorney, "Oh god, woman, am I going to have to take your Butch Membership Card away?"
Olivia looked down at Abbie, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," Abbie shot back, "I mean, you need to get off your lame ass and live up to that haircut, leather jacket, and swagger of yours and ask her out already?!"