May 23, 2007 22:48
Quicky update....
-I am still alive....
-I currently dont use livejournal anymore
-So that means no, I wont be reading your comments, sorry
-email me, easiest way to contact
-Yes, tmail....not gmail
-I WILL be attending Fanime
-Only on Saturday though
-Planned costumes worn: Amaterasu, Esther, Momiji
-I will NOT be attending AX
-I WILL be attending Dollectable...whatever its called
-My mother would cry if I didnt go...we're going Saturday
-I might lose my job from taking these weekend days off, haahaa
-Oh well.
-Still with boy....yea Im that stupid.
-Still playing hockey...with men now though. Doing a heck a lot better! meeeee!!! your ya soon....