July's Challenge

Jul 01, 2007 07:13

Our special monthly challenge for July is the "That's a fandom? Really?" Obscure Fandom Challenge. We've had some fabulous small-fandom posts since we started this community, and we would like to encourage even more in July. So what's an "obscure fandom"? Well, let's be liberal about it - it's anything that's not PotC, Hornblower, Master & Commander, or Sharpe. Which is not to say that you can't post in those fandoms for the bi-weekly prompts, but for the monthly challenge, we want you to stretch your wings. Write that Muppet Treasure Island fic you've been thinking about! Fanart me some Dobbin! Frederick Wentworth needs the love! Jane Roland kicks ass! Give us something we've never even heard of before and aren't sure how to tag! And historical RPF/art totally counts for this as well. If it's set during the Age of Sail, post it.

I made an obscure fandoms tag for your use during this challenge, and thank you for being so good about using the tags; it makes your obsessively cataloging mod v. happy. And Laura too.

monthly challenges, obscure fandoms

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