Greetings, writers and artists, posting time is almost upon us! :D Here are your posting instructions:
First of all, communicate! Figure out when you wish to post, what time of day works for you guys, and that you have a plan to deal with any time zone differences. If you can't get in touch with your author/artist at all, please let us know ASAP, via our e-mail, or the
Page-A-Mod post.
The Posting Schedule can be found here.
* All fic must be posted with art. The art can be in its own separate post, or included within the fic itself, just as long as we get fic and art posted at the same time.
* On the date you've been assigned, either the writer or the artist should make a Master Post to this LiveJournal community, including a link to both the fic and the art. The Master Post must go up by midnight, whenever midnight is in your part of the world, on the date you've been assigned.
* You may use this template for the master post
Fic title:Author name:Artist name:Pairing: (if applicable)
Rating:Word count: (if you choose)
Warnings: (if applicable)
Summary: Link to fic:Link to art: * Please do not post your fic directly to the community, but rather link to it. It can be hosted on your own LiveJournal, on AO3, or somewhere else, as long as you include a link to it.
* If you post your fic or art to AO3, we'd be delighted if you'd add it to the
AoS Big Bang Collection. The collection is currently closed, but it will open when posting starts. To add your fic to the collection, go to the collection page, click Subcollection in the menu bar on the left of the page, and choose the Subcollection for Round Three (
here's a handy direct link to it) and use the "Post to Collection" button.
* If you have any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us. If not, happy posting! \o/