FFXII: Basch/Ashe Fanart Commission

Dec 19, 2007 04:30

Hehe!! Look~~!! I've finally customized my LJ layout, and I adore the new look XD

I still need to tweak some of the sidebars (fix the page summary and tags), but all in all, I absolutely love this new layout. The original layout base was made by
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!fanart, p: basch/ashe, f: ffxii

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I Worship you XD aorin February 16 2008, 20:05:31 UTC
Hello :)

First, I think a sincere apology is in hand m(_ _)m I'm really sorry for replying you so late, I've been caught up with other stuff and sadly, every time I try to write you a message, my pc hangs itself, then I'll end up delaying the reply again. I'm truly sorry :3

Still, I would like to tell you that you have my eternal gratitude for colouring this artwork XD It's lovely and I promise I'll treasure it. Also, I'll upload this the next time I update my journal :D

And you are the most generous thing ever for not even considering a return gift :) But seriously, if you ever want to request for something from me, just speak up, okay :)

But whoa... seriously, 500+ graphics requests? 8O I'm speechless!! I mean, I can't even draw something decent, and hearing you say that you've taken that much graphic request is quite mind-blowing ~.~|||

Being known as a "crazy fangirl" kind of have it's pros and cons. While I don't mind people thinking of me that way, I don't enjoy it as much when I have discussions on the game. Once a while, some fanbrats thinks that my views are skewed and biased just because I'm loyal to this pairing T__T Oh well, I can't please everyone, so, just let it be XP

I'm still rooting on you and I look forward to see what other future projects you have in mind ;) And I'm certainly look forward to the Basch/Ashe picture if you still have plans for it XD

And seriously, don't pressure yourself on it. I, myself have no sense of punctuality, and I don't want to force anyone to do anything that they don't feel like doing :) Work at your own comfortable pace, ok :)

Say, I want to ask if you are using any IM programs like AIM or MSN? I would like to add if you don't mind :)


Re: I Worship you XD crazy18gurl February 17 2008, 09:23:13 UTC
Y'ello ^_^

Aw now it's totally okay. I understand. I got through the same thing myself. But instead of my laptop diein on me its mostly the load shedding or school work xP. No worrues, it's all good ^^

Hey, you're very welcome =] Glad ya like it, but lookin at now I realized I majorly screwed up Ashe's hair and I hafta redo that xD

Lol, alright then ;]

Hehe, yep. I think I started this whole request jig like 2 years ago I think, in 2006. Heh, well I really like making people happy with whatever I can do. Be it small or big things. GFX requests is my specialty x3

Oh yeah that's true. That ain't right when people will just judge you nor take your discussions into considerations simply because of the ships you pair or the characters you like so much. I mean we like these ships for reasons and opinions as well. If we paired a certain ship just cuz we think they look 'cute' together, well there's nothing really to discuss there. Another thing I hate is ship wars. For God sakes, if someone likes a ship you don't, who cares! He ain't gonna murder ya! xD lol. I really don't understand these ship wars. Simply messing with people and the choices they make. But you're right, can't please everyone. Let the Internet Jungle Fever eat away their minds xD

Aww, you're so sweet x3 *pinches cheek* Ah yes, you continue to look forward to that ;] And don't worry, no preassure at all.

Oh yeah sure, I use MSN. This is my address: deadlyjuuhachigou18@hotmail.com.

Cheers! <3


Re: I Worship you XD aorin March 3 2008, 06:07:53 UTC
Huh? I think Ashe's hair looks amazing. Seems fine to me XD But then, what do I know of colouring and graphics compared to you XD

I wish I can answer some of the video requests and fanfic challenges, but then again, it takes me almost forever to get anything done. RL aside, I tend to work really slowly and will toil over every single detail. Even when I upload my stuff, I'm almost never satisfied with what I've made or wrote =.= But I think that you are amazing to take all those reqest and fulfiling it, and not asking for anything in return ;)

It's really upsetting actually, for them to judge the other person based on that. For instance, some people use harsher words with me because I'm more outspoken about my pairing. Recently, I commented about my views on Rasler, and whoa... I tell you. Those people pounce on me faster than lightning and told me that my views are wrong and that Basch is an even weaker character than Rasler who only appeared for what, 4 scenes in the game. And why did they choose Basch to grumble about, probably because they knew how much I like him and it'll upset me in that manner... crazy fanbrats! Other people does character bashing too, but I get the brunt of it... and I didn't even bash, I just state my opinions by analyzing the character.

And oh gods, I hate shipping wars. I mean, seriously, why watch my video when you don't like my pairing. I clearly stated in the desception that it's going to be a pairing tribute, so why do some of them show up and say things like, "ew, Basch is too old for Ashe, blah, blah..." or "Give me one good reason why Basch and Ashe should be together, until I get my reason, I will stop criticizing the pairing"

... ::sigh:: Don't they have a life? Honestly, just keep your opinions to yourself, why go arond spewing your hate and dislike to people randomly. Favourite pairing is a personal preference of a person, so why bother them about it.

Meh. I'm too lazy to be bothered with them anyway XD

Oh, and btw, I've added you over at MSN, and I look forward to seeing you there ;) Till later then :D


Re: I Worship you XD crazy18gurl March 8 2008, 11:14:39 UTC
Nuu I slightly screwed it up, I hafta fix it. Don't know when i'll get around to doing it but I will! Lol, oh I'm sure you know plenty. I've seen your work, you've got some skills too.

Work really slowly eh? Lol. I don't think I've faced that kind of problem. Sure there are times I spend a lil time on a certain detail but I seem to be able to get past it. My main problem is, when I'm really behind on requests, is being lazy. I tend to get lazy often. That's why I try and get everythin done at once before I go into lazy mode, no productivity whatsoever then. Lol, yeah I guess that's a lil natural for some people to feel. When they get their stuff up they feel like they could've done a hundred times better, I get like that sometimes xP

Aw well, I guess I'm just...too nice...too much for my own good, lol.

Yeah, it can be offending. Cuz I have yet to take part in much FFXII discussion, such attitude hasn't been directed towards me yet, but even when it is to others, you still can't help to feel offended that people act in such a way. Seriously? Dang. Ah there's another problem, some dedicated fans will never keep an open mind and if anything is said which is not favor of thier favorite character/pairing, they go beserk x_x. I like Rasler and all, but it's pretty obvious that Basch played a bigger role than him. Even if there were more appearence of Rasler, Basch still has the bigger role in the story. I just had a thought, if Rasler lived, would the story be better or would it change? Well, it wouldnt be better at all and it will change, but for the worst, I mean if Rasler lived, kinda ruins the story a bit, especially regarding Ashe's struggle.

That is just so wrong, crazy fanbrats indeed. Some just attack cuz they've got nothing against the others arguement or analyzation.

Now I totally don't understand why people do that, watch video of pairings they hate and then spam it with their flames and stuff. Oh my God, it is so stupid and immature. I really don't get these people o.o

Oh, I really hate when people pull that whole age thing. Basch being too old, pffft, so whaat? Love can happen in any age diversity, it's going on everywhere in the world!

Apparently they don't, lol. Exactly, it's a personal preference. Start messing with personal preferences, you start messing with an indiviuals life. I mean, that's actually a serious matter, messing with other people's lives and how they choose to live it. I mean, come on, stop screwin up others lives and get your own in shape!


But yes...whatever xD

Oh really? That's great! Lookin forward to speakin to you on MSN too ;]

Have I ever mentioned how I really like that ava of yours? x3


I STILL WORSHIP YOU ;D aorin March 16 2008, 17:32:33 UTC
Well, if you insist ;) I still think it looks fine as it is, but... I'll take the expert's advice XD Right, as if I didn't take hours to toil over everything XD

I'm the Sloth the Sin reborn into this planet. Not only I work slowly, I have too many periods of laziness. Problem is that I'm just never satisfied with anything I do, so, I always end up putting my works aside X3 To be honest, I'm in the brink of desperation at the moment, and sort of forcing myself to produce some work. It used to be quality over quantity, but now... bleh... =.= My sister said I take things too seriously nowadays which lead to my lack of production, cause the previous me tend to do things for fun...

It's quite pointless if Rasler lives actually, and honestly, even the scenes with him appearing as a ghost is questionable to me. I'll pity him more if he doesn't keep on reappearing, too much sometimes lessen the impact. If Ashe had talked about him instead of showing him come back again and again, I believe I might have liked him better :3 I usually shy away from discussions, unless it is with a group that I'm familiar with, but those were general forums, so lots of people will butt in when they feel offended by the comments, even though, it's not meant to be harsh. To break up the tense atmosphere, I'll normally take a step back and apologize (even though I might not be really sorry).

Crazy fanbrats have no logic!! They attack people that disagree with them randomly. Which is why I'm quite skeptical in befriending some people that doesn't ship the same pairing as I do, too many bad experiences, though, I think it's changing recently ;)

Fanbrats only pull the age card because they couldn't find another reason to disagree with this pairing. Frankly, that reason is getting so old and dumb (it's more convincing if someone comes and tell me that Basch is a judge and it's hard for them to be together). Still, I think Basch is perfect for Ashe, even with the age factor. They can depend and trust each other, and nothing can come between what they had XD

So, yeah, beat that, idiotic fanbrats :D

I'm always on MSN though occassionally I'm invisible, when I'm busy X3

Nope, but I'm glad to find out that the ava meets your approval. Now, that's a testament that Basch and Ashe had something in RW. She only smiled at him there, and twice ;) She even laugh with him. BEAT THAT, FANBRATS!! MUAHAHAHA ::coughs:: ;)


Re: I STILL WORSHIP YOU ;D crazy18gurl March 23 2008, 13:39:44 UTC
Lol, sloth and sin eh? xD Well laziness is common for me, but when I do get in the working mood, I tend to work fast. If I'm slow...well I'm still in the lazy phase then xP Never satisfied huh? Yeah its sometimes it hard for one to get over their specific quirks. Desperation? Ooh that aint too good. You should just give yourself time. Cuz I remember, I once went through desperation kinda phase, I was basically lacking inspiration or motivation. So I just gave myself a break and after a while I was able to get back into it. So, just give yourself a break, take time to collect and reassemble yourself. Might just help out. I guess when you take things a lil too seriously, your focus can tend to be...overfocused and blurred, so you gotta just relax a bit.

Really it is. His ghost appearences, in the end we find out it really wasnt him, no depth was given to his character. Ashe was the only who could've developed his character for us if she talked about him, but we were only left with a ghost and one flashback. But it shows that his character did is not meant to be any kind of impact on the storyline, merely a character to support another character. Whenever any kind of discussion takes place, drama always gets pulled in xD people somethimes let their own feelings cloud their judgment. If someone got offended by my own opinion...well, stop listening to my opinion then xP

Pfft, total noobs. I have a couple of friends who don't share a few pairings I do, (minor pairings though, not major) I just never enter discussions regarding them. I still encounter many diverse shippers, but I'm definitley befriend the better lot myself =]

Yeah exactly. When they're beat, they pull the last cheapest move they've got left. I dont even like to acknowledge that kind of reason. Ya know I once came across someone saying that Fran was too old for Balthier. My God, please -_- ....it's a whole different thing for Fran anyways since she's a veira, they have longer lives, and many take her as a young veira as she does look young so she could be equivilent to a hume girl in her early or mid 20s, but with far greater knowledge of course. Be it early 30s if it's so, age should not be a limit in love. Yes, exactly, the whole judge thing serve a better arguement. Basch and Ashe is love, he's probably been around since she was a little squirt, just adds to how deep the love could go.

Heh, really? Same here. I keep my status offline mostly cuz whenever i get online, I get attacked xD many random people tryin to talk to me, even weirdos i dont even know who just add me. Piece of advice, never add a pakistani dude unless you know him or his nick isnt some corny line about love. I swear, some Paki guys can be so desperate xD They're not all like that i assure you, but its those desperate kind that are MSN-ing constantly lookin for a girlfriend. If another guy wants to try and flirt with me, I say they learn proper english first! xD

I believe thats a scene from the ending right? I havent finished the game yet, 72% complete, but I saw a bit of the ending on YT. Heh, I couldnt help myself xP It was during the time I didnt have the game and I thought it'd be ages till I get a DS until my bro whacked me on the head and then I realized we had a DS emulator xD Laughs with him? Ooh I have yet to see that. If only stinkin school would get off my back, I could finally get some time to play >.>


Re: I STILL WORSHIP YOU ;D aorin April 3 2008, 00:19:37 UTC
Relax ::breathe in, breathe out:: I think you are right, it's one thing about being dedicated, another about being desperate. I find that I work better if it's not a chore and I'm doing it willingly without burden. Also, I work especially better if I'm doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. For instance, I'm suppose to hand in an assignment to my supervisor, and that's where the inspiration for fics will strike, and I'll be typing something else... And when I finally have free time, my head will wander back to the official work TT^TT

Rasler wasn't an important character at all. If you ask me, his existance is just to bolster Ashe's determination on restoring her country. It's better if there is something tangible and for the gamers to see than just saying that Ashe is fighting for the sake of her country, and that'll make us feel more detached to her character. Those are what I call secondary characters, they serve no specific purpose on their own and are only there for others. As for the main cast, they are there for their own reasons, and to develop into a better person (that's what RPG is mostly about X3). Even without others, they have enough depth of their own :) But yeah, true, don't like, don't listen. I have read a lot of comments that mayb not be msuci to my ears, but then again, who am I to judge unless that person gets offensive. Anyhow, I'm so happy that the idiot that I was talking about left the forums, good riddance O__o

Am I included as the better lot then? XD ::kidding:: But yes, I mean, it's ok to befriend all sorts of people, but to play safe, let's just not try to start on a topic that we know we will disagree. Me, fangirling about Basch/Ashe to a Bal/Ashe fan is a big no-no, and if I hit a blunder in that way, it's my own fault ;) Though, I do expect the same kind of courtesy extended to me as well :3 (I wish XP)

Oh yeah, Fran's too old for Balthier? I might buy it better if someone says that Balthier couldn't match up to Fran and feels low self-esteem. (I always thought that the reason why Balthier is what he is now is because he wants to live up to Fran's high expectations, which made Fran roll her eyes at him XD) Still, yes, she's a young Viera, and Balthier hates the silly people that bring up the age topic (look how offended he is when Vaan said it, he looks more angry than Fran herself ;)

For Basch/Ashe, well, personally, I don't quite believe in love at first sight, attraction, yes, Love, well, not exactly, and the thing is, Basch/Ashe, like Balthier/Fran goes way back, and if true love were to blossom, it would grow in that manner. Not those, hit and run sort of relationship :P Besides, I always thought that Ashe has a immense, incurable crush on her captain when she's younger. And it grow into something else, but quite unrequired, due to Basch's lacking the romance department and their social standing. Ashe doesn't care, but Basch just won't start a liason and ruin the princess, who is the most important thing to him... So yeah, I don't buy the instant love card, it's love, not noodles XP

LOL, I dar not simply add people that I don't know, cause the last time I did, my entire MSN broke down and shut off itself, and then, there's this virus infection that attacks all those on contact list :( But whoa, that desperate... XP Oh well, I don't think I can live with a long-distance relationsip anyway XD Too bad for them ^^

Yup, a scene from the ending ;) Oh, I don't want to spoil you but people have lots of intepretation about the looks that Ashe gives to some other dude as well. But c'mon, she smiled at Basch, whether for love, or acknowledgement, she addressed him first. So, what does that mean? His personal opinion obviously matters the most to her XDD I'm probably going to replay the english version again, I've long completed the japanese version, but I could never be bothered in playing the english one after that. Still, I might replay it again... just to kill time XP And heheh, good siblings, always there to remind us of our silliness and impose their brilliance XP


Re: I STILL WORSHIP YOU ;D crazy18gurl May 6 2008, 10:44:49 UTC
Exactly. Ya know they say do what you love, but if you're not lovin at the moment, it won't be done right.

Wrong thing at the wrong time? Lol, well sometimes I have a tendency to do things when I'm suppose to be doing something. And that mostly happens when I'm studying for an exam. One minute I'm studying, suddenly an idea pops into my head and the next thing I know I ditch my books and start on the idea. But then after after a while I'll realize I have an exam tomorrow and then I'll quickly rush back to my books xP And that usually happens 2 or 3 times while I'm studying, lol. Bad habbit.

In the beginging I didnt like Rasler at all, mostly cuz I was a fan of Ashe/Basch, I was being noob-ish about. But I realized it wasn't fair just to hate a character because you prefer his girl with someone else. So I came to like Rasler after a while. Rasler/Ashe? Well it's not like I could ignore it, it's part of Ashe's past, but it's not I'm crazy about but I don't hate it. Baschu and Ashee all the way x3 But yeah, his character is just there for a minor purpose, he really has nothing to do with the story.

Lol, of course you are hun! ^_^ Personally, if a friend started fangirling/boying on Bal/Ashe, I wouldn't really mind I mean it's our choice and fun, I have no place to ruin that for them. But if their being rude, and begin bashing other pairings, and that's completely different. Yes have to careful when making friends cuz sometimes choice of ships/fandom and all that becomes a determinant for some friendship, but I'm quite against that. In the end, we're fans of the same game no?

Actually I never thought about it like that but I like that theory. Fran did once stat in RW how Balthier was quite childish xP

Lol, yes who could forget that momment xD From his expression you could really see the frustration.

Love at first sight. Really don't an opionion about. Maybe it could happen, maybe not. Ashe as a child having a crush on Basch, is so cute x33 Very believable actually. Ah Basch is such a noble heart. Duty, honor, nobility, blah blah blah xD But that really does show how much he cares not to put Ashe in a chancy situation.

Ah that's good. There are lots of creepy people out there in the world of the InterWeb >.>

Would this other person be Balthier? I think there's a scene where the two are talking on top of the Galbana. Haven't reached that scene yet though. Ya know I really don't get Bal/Ashe. They way I see it, in the begining they possibly did not take quite a liking to each other (mostly Ashe, didnt seem to fond of Balthier especially after he took her ring) but as the story progressed, they came to an understanding seeing as they both come from similar worlds. Both are of noble families and endured hardships. Balthier chose to leave and run what was bestowed on him (being a Judge and all that), and Ashe, well she cannot run from her duties. And it could be seen how he become more involved with the story instead of simply being an observer. So he was of course there to help Ashe as well, being as he as much involved as she was. I believe that Ashe, Balthier and Basch were most connected with the storyline. Dalmasca, Dr. Cid, Gabranth (did I spelt that right? <.<), respectively.

I hate it when Bal/Ashe shippers use the ending as a 'sign', the whole calling out to Balthier thing. Please...I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but honestly, were it Vaan or Basch in Balthier's place, Ashe's reaction would've been the same. Of course she wouldn't want Balthier to die, she wouldnt any of her companions to die, not after all they've been through together.Oh and that whole thing of Balthier looking annoyed when Al-Cid was talking to Ashe, it was obvious he could not tolerate someone else 'attempting' to be cooler than him xD

Oh, forgive me for reply late. Exams and all, keeping me busy x.x


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