jobs and cons and ROBOT DEATH HOOKS

Oct 07, 2010 11:38

Woke up from a Peter Pan/ robot apocalypse crossover nightmare ten minutes ago to realise that I had a doctor's appointment RIGHT NOW. I hope this isn't indicative of my day.

By the way, the job I have is at a coffee shop on Newbury St so I can watch the hipsters and really ridiculously rich businessmen and tourists go about their day. The coffee shop is staffed almost entirely by people who look like art students though, which bodes well. And the owner is super nice. Also they got back to me the same day I had the interview, which was the day after I turned in my application. Starbucks could stand to learn something from them.

Also! I will be at New York Comic Con ALL WEEKEND, so if you'll be there and want to hang out, send me an email or private message and we can arrange a meeting point or exchange phone numbers. Or if you are going to a meetup you think would be relevant to my interest, let me know and I might come along. :D I will probably not be in costume because I've been too busy/broke to put one together. Alas.

And [Bad username: usullusa"] and
onlybythenight sent me a care package with Shadowland and Avengers Prime and cookies and Swedish fish AND THEN OWEN BOUGHT ME A PAID ACCOUNT, so clearly they are the best people ever and should be showered in gratitude forever. (By the way, if you don't know them? They are awesome. You should get to know them.)

i am a barista, nycc, onlybythenight rocks you and your casbah, conventions, new york new york

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