Well, it's 6:15 am and I still can't sleep. I'm not sure why. I've been sick, I could really use the sleep, I haven't been drinking any more caffeine than usual, and I even went out and did stuff today. And yet I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, for way too long before giving up and getting my computer out again.
I don't even know what's up. I guess I'll nap tomorrow. Er. Later today.
By the way, while I'm blogging, I'll signal-boost about the earthquake in Haiti. There are several websites --
Oxfam, and
Red Cross are the ones I know of -- that are accepting donations, and
haitifeed.com has information and updates. My thoughts and hopes are with the residents of Haiti and their families.
and if you want something to cheer you up, check out this
Marvel X-verse chromatic casting, because JOHN CHO AS JAMIE MADROX. It ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO HAPPEN.