Yuletide is go!

Nov 14, 2009 18:30


I am so psyched you guys. My prompts are killer. (TWO FANDOM MATCHES! TWO FANDOM MATCHES! AND THEY SHIP THEM LIKE I DO!)

In other news, I am home from Boston, which is significantly more depressing. Tomorrow I will do ALL OF MY HOMEWORK, and then proceed to catch up on all the NaNo I have let slide. It's not actually that much. I had one six-thousand-word day, which gave me a little leeway.

More later, I only got three hours of sleep last night and I have THINGS TO WRITE!

Next time on my journal: 52, Boston, New York, and why I am a big stinking idiot for not doing any homework in Boston AT ALL.

yuletidings of great joy, boston city of excellence, new york new york, sleep happens to other people

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