Today I
- actually wrote some for
boxofmagic- sought Sulu fic
- found a depressingly small amount of Sulu fic, all of which involved smut
- dug three holes and moved rocks
- hung with my sister's cat
- didn't watch Criminal Minds (yet)
- drank delicious rooibos tea
- didn't snack a lot (alas)
- didn't IM anyone, even though I probably should have
- wrote about writing in second person
- listened to a lot of Coldplay
- thanked all things mighty for certain homeopathic remedies
- did not avoid cleaning up hairballs. D:
As you can see, I was most productive.
I'm actually getting into this Merlin fic, though. I stopped writing the bits with Merlin and tried writing the bits with politics and suddenly I'm excited for the story once again! I think the moral of the story is that I need a new main character. I could totally rework it to center around Gaius and Morgana. Or maybe I could just make it ensemble, and up the Gwen and Arthur and Uther content. That might work.
If anyone is interested in seeing the depressingly small bit I have written already (which includes the end, so if you don't want to be spoiled, do let me know and I can send you a version without) I would welcome any input. I'm going to have to up the pace like crazy since I'm so far behind. But I think I have a workable chance to do it.
I have made a deal with myself: if I can get 5000 words of the fic written today, and 5000 more tomorrow, I am allowed to sign up for the SGA big bang. If not, then I can sign up for art, but no fic-writing. Hopefully I will succeed - apparently this year will be the last, and I will be saddened if I don't get to participate.
I really need to stop acquiring fandoms, though. It's sort of a problem. I am currently actually writing fic for Merlin, Marvel comics, Star Trek, Dollhouse, Criminal Minds, and Torchwood. I have unfinished fic to return to in CLAMP manga, Havemercy, Harry Potter, and SGA. I have other fandoms that don't have any ongoing fic (Good Omens, Doctor Who, Pet Shop of Horrors, Firefly, and others).
Has anyone here seen Criminal Minds? (Well, besides Sarah and Brianna, I mean. I know you two have.) Those of you who have, and have investigated the fandom, could you possibly direct me to some decent fic. I haven't found much, outside of
buffyaddict13's fic. Bonus points if they involve Reid (I need to see how he's written for my own fic) or Gideon (I need more Gideon in general).
And! Star Trek people! In searching for Sulu fic to rec to
such_heights, I found very little. I'm still looking, and will probably attempt to put together a reclist, but if you'd like to help by pointing out any of your favourites, I would really appreciate it. (Plus, more for me to read. :D)