So, it's like day three now and the first time I've been upright since I came out of anethesia. And boy does it show. I'm all dizzy and crap. XD
The worst part of the whole thing so far, was the nausea from the anethesia. I didn't have anything in my stomach, yet I kept puking. Needing to vomit is a terrible feeling. Having to get up just so I could vomit was twice as bad.
I didn't make it to 8 in the countdown, I didn't even make the countdown. While trying to put the IV into me, the chosen vein ruptured and I finally had a total "WTF" moment and couldn't stop trembling. So I got a sedative. The sedative made me sleepy within seconds and I remember making it to the operating room, and scooting from the rolly bed onto the operating table. And then it's a total blank.
The anethesiologist said he'd give me a kind of amnesia mix cause I told him I really didn't didn't want to wake up in the middle of it. Since they couldn't be 100% I was out, at least that way I wouldn't remember shit. And I don't, so it's good.
Now I'm just starting to eat again and trying to stay hydrated. Sleeping an awful lot. The pain isn't as bad as I feared. It spikes once in a while, if I move wrong. And my back has gotten sore from sleeping in mostly one position. Nothing I can't live with.
I also apparently got a breathing tube and a catheter. That was the weird part. I fell asleep with undies on, and woke up without them. That'll make anyone hesitate. O_o wish they'd said something about that part before I was out.
Oh, for birthdays, since I hadn't checked LJ at all this month,
Happy Birthday this month to
hinoai and