Watery Wed and, uh, Thurs at Thcool.

Sep 02, 2010 22:05

Yesterday was all about water: washed the dog, did 2 loads of laundry (which dried superfast, it was so blasted hot out), ran the dishwasher, and mopped the kitchen floor (long overdue, ew). Also went to the grocery store and picked up my missing med from the pharmacy.

I also had a weird experience. My cell phone appeared to be generally normal, but it just. would. not. communicate. I couldn't send a text. Couldn't place a call. Power cycling, taking the battery and chip out and re-inserting them didn't work. In fact, sometimes after power cycling, I would get a flat-out "no service" message, which wasn't dependent on my location. Other times, it would claim to have service, but wouldn't actually succeed at sending or dialing. For four hours. And then - suddenly - it worked again. I don't know if my phone was just acting up or if a nearby cell tower went out, or what. Has this happened to any of you?

Oh, and Two pulled some more "I'm tired and don't feel like being the slightest bit cooperative, not when I can lie and give smartass answers and challenge authority in every possible way" schtick yesterday afternoon. ARGH. I cannot wait for the dust to settle and for school endurance to kick back in. (MiniPlu is, for the first time, not really having a problem with this, except that she lost her ability to carry a backpack with more than one piece of paper in it - without complaining, anyway. Or insisting she needs a rolling backpack. :P

Today I worked at the school library again, and will do the same tomorrow afternoon; I figure now's the time to work on new book processing as much as possible, before kids start checking books out next week. Still don't have a long-term schedule worked out, but that's ok; I'm fine with winging it for the first couple of weeks.

I spent a chunk of my afternoon cleaning the house in anticipation of babysitter arrival. I also made my chocolate zucchini cake as "payment" (mom next door won't accept money). Fed the girls a little bit early so they were mostly done before babysitter arrived. Will was going to meet me there, but when he called to say he was leaving, he sounded so tired I suggested he go home and eat quickly first, and meet me there. It was really no great loss to him to miss the Principal's standard message since he's heard it three times already, nor to be present for the PTO chair's message (which will affect me more) or the raffle drawings. So - he arrived just as I got to Two's classroom. Didn't learn anything new, really (aside from the teacher focusing on handwriting quality more), since this is the same teacher MiniPlu had, but it was good to have a refresher, leave a note for Two, see her initial work, and just generally be there. Always a good thing.

I chose Two's teacher first mostly because we'd had her already; I wanted to leave MiniPlu's teacher for last so we wouldn't have to go rushing off to Session II afterwards, and could take our time with any extra questions or whatnot we might have. Also, as a bonus, there were only 3 parents (a 4th joined us later) in this second session, which made it more intimate and laid-back. It was awesome. Well, as far as Back To School info goes, learning about their routines and such, but it was good to know what sorts of things they'll be working on, what's new and improved, the field trip they'll be taking, etc. And, really, it was just great to see her teacher's personality come through, the hint of what I'd seen two years ago during pickup/dropoff in the library. Totally confirmed - awesome teacher. Will was equally impressed by her charisma and sense of competence (he'd never met her before) - he could see why I'd wanted her. Now, if those three boys would just get a grip. :P

What I learned today: writing - printing, anyway - in blood will save you some money.

Also, a friend-of-a-friend apparently makes cool geek jewelry. :D I'm eyeing that green necklace, myself.

Oh, and like half my flist, I have a pile of DW codes to offer for those of you who want a backup plan or just want to jump ship entirely. I didn't get any response when I offered these a week ago, but since Things Have Changed, I figured I'd re-offer them. Codes below the cut. Leave a comment if you take one, so the next person will know not to try it.


Hmmm. Guess I should get to bed.

library, school:miniplu, dw, school, shopping

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