Under the covers meme, gacked from
1. Name 2 things you have done under the covers in the last week.
Snuggled. Done crosswords/Sudokus.
2. Do you know what a woobie is? Do you have a special one?
I tend to think of “woobies” as being adorable in a “wee” way, which my husband definitely isn’t. Wee, that is.
3. What prompts you to pull the covers over your head and hide from the world?
A desire to smother myself?
4. Firm or soft?
Are we talking about mattresses, pillows, or body parts? For the mattress/pillow, I tend to like it somewhere in the middle. Soft enough to mold around me, but firm enough for support. Chinese mattresses were so firm, I got bruises.
5. Silk or flannel?
Depends on the season. And are you asking about PJs or sheets? (Because silk sheets? No thanks. I’m not looking to slide out of bed.)
6. Lights on or off?
7. Fan or no air?
Ceiling fans on in summer, off in cooler weather.
8. Completely dark or nite light?
Don’t really care.
9. Windows open or shut
I don’t mind having them open in nice weather, but the birdies wake Will up in the morning.
10. Sweet dreams or nightmares?
Weird dreams. Nightmares are thankfully rare, but my meds somehow prompt my brain to cook up very strange plots most nights.
11. PJ’s or……
Or what? Sticking to my bed partner? Flannel PJs in cool weather, shorts and a t/tank in summer, sometimes a summer chemise.
12. Set bedtime?
For me, no. For the girls, yes.
13. What do sheep count when they can’t sleep?
The number “4”
14. What does your alarm clock sound like?
15. White noise or music
If it’s quiet, soothing music, that’s fine. Otherwise, nothing.
16. TV or IPod?
None of the above.
17. Can you recall a pleasant dream you’d like to share?
I was pregnant.
18. Under the covers or outside the covers
Under the covers although I’ll stick my feet out the side if it’s hot.
19. Insomniac or sleep angel?
The meds may make me have weird dreams but I usually sleep reasonably soundly.
20. What is your favorite sleep aid for those tossin’ and turnin’ nights?
Benedryl. Or getting up to read.
21. Morning person or night person
Morning, usually.
22. Bedtime snack?
Bite or two of fruit, cheese, peanut butter and/or something sweet.
23. Hot or cold room
24. Bedtime ritual?
Put dog out (and let her back in). Fill water glass for nightstand. Toilet, floss/brush/gargle, wash face, possible lotion. Put on PJs, climb into bed, read/do puzzles until eyes don’t stay open anymore.
25. Twin, Queen, King, Bunk or Futon
26. Socks or naked feet
Depends on how cold it is. Sometimes I start with socks until the foot of the bed warms up, then take them off in the middle of the night.
27. Bedroom door locked or unlocked?
Unlocked and ajar, in case kids need us.
28. Tent or hotel room
HOTEL. My joints just do not appreciate the charms of sleeping on the ground anymore.
29. If you could be bored to sleep, what would bore you?
My Anthropological Theory professor.
30. Prayers or mantra?
Prayers - but I haven’t regularly done that at bedtime since I got married. Weird.
31. What was the worst nightmare you ever had?
Variations on having to frantically run for your life.
32. Please share any ideas on how to stop a person from snoring.
Poke him so he’ll turn his head to the side or - even better - roll over.
33. If one purely pleasant thought could ensure fast and sound deep sleep for you every night, what would your one thought be?
Everything is all right.
34. How many hours do you normally sleep?
35. Thunderstorms or quiet starry night?
Quiet. I’m more likely to sleep in my earplugs if Tstorms are forecast. I’m just thankful our girls have gotten pretty good at sleeping through them and no longer wail for us in terror at 3am.
36. Warm bath or hot shower?
Before bed? I don’t usually do the night-bathing thing anymore. The bath would likely be more relaxing, though.
37. What is the craziest thing that ever happened in your bed?
Uh…. Lesbians borrowing it? I really can’t think of anything that crazy, unless you count late-night Deep Philosophical Discussions or little girls jumping on Daddy, squeeing, to wake him up.
38. Name a song you could fall asleep to.
Something by Enya or Loreena McKennitt.
39. Who last told you a bedtime story?
My Dr Seuss record of “The Sleep Book”.
Found out today that Mrs K, the wife of our TKD instructor, is expecting their third child this Thanksgiving! Their two boys are 6 and 4; they're both kind of hoping for a girl, and Mrs K said that this pregnancy has been harder than the boys were, so ... maybe they'll get their wish? I'll need to think of something to knit or quilt for the baby. :D
A month ago I suggested to Will that he think about how we were going to transport his bike to NJ for this weekend's charity race. He waved it off, mentioning the back-of-car rack we had. Tonight he decided to get that hooked up and make sure everything worked with our (now different) vehicle. Except that he can't find the rack. He's planning to just strap mover's blankets and the bike to the roof of our car, which I suppose will be good enough but, still - we're leaving in less than 24 hours. Would it have killed him NOT to wait until the last minute to look into the situation?? *bangs head*
And speaking of exercise - how come I could run 5.25 miles on Sunday without dying, but 2.0 miles today felt like agony? :-P