Dear McNeil Products (makers of Children's versions of Tylenol, Motrin, and Zyrtec): While I appreciate your providing a means to check product numbers against your voluntary recall, it is useless to only include product numbers which appear on the box. Who keeps the box after you've opened the medication? Give me a lot number, which appears on the bottle. Or print your product number on the bottle. I am most irked not to know for sure whether my children's medication is safe, because I didn't keep the stupid box.
Dear Children: I've had enough of your grumpy, blaming-everyone-else ungrateful moods. Thank you so much for demonstrating your rotten behavior for Grandma. All. Day. Long.
Dear Chinese school: Just because we missed a day of class in February due to snow does NOT mean I should have to come out for a make-up class on Mother's Day. Sorry, no.
No love,
1. Did you know that, according to the Farmer's Almanac, today is one of the best days to
castrate farm animals?
2. It galls me to know that each year ~8 million children (give or take) die before their fifth birthday. Eight. Million. Aren't we supposed to have bettered our planet more than that? And yes, there's an even worse rate of premature adult mortality. But still. All that youthful potential, gone. :(
Must somehow convince self to fall asleep early, since I'll be driving Mom to the airport by 5am at the latest. Whee!