The final chapter ... er ... cover.

Mar 31, 2019 20:56

MiniPlu is thankfully back to normal; her neck still needs to be stretched gently in the direction of the pinch, but as long as she's careful, she's not in pain. Or panic. :P

Unfortunately, after our post-church bagel stop this morning, Will set his usual cup of hot chocolate on the armrest between the front seats (he sits in back, I sit in front, because he'd rather leave the driving-instruction to me) and didn't think to warn MiniPlu, who turned around to talk to him and knocked the cup off with her elbow. The lid flew off and hot chocolate went everywhere. Thankfully I wasn't in the car - I'd stepped into the bagel shop to use the restroom - or I would have gotten spattered, too. Thanks to the bagel proprietors kindly letting us use a roll of paper towels, MiniPlu and Will got most of the car mopped up, but didn't notice some that had pooled under the driver's seat. Unfortunately, it was starting to rain, which meant we didn't want to leave the windows open to air out the car or keep it open long enough to sop up the remaining puddle, which means the Subaru is going to smell gross for a bit until I can get it properly cleaned. >_< I had intended to get it detailed shortly before handing it off to MiniPlu this summer, but it clearly needs to happen NOW. Ick.

meme, car

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