Long overdue update

Dec 02, 2017 00:06

Holy shit, you guys. I don't know why I can't get my act together to keep up with LJ, or post at all. Granted, I was participating in the November writing fest that is NoSo, and my scarce online time usually went to writing or commenting on the comm. But that doesn't excuse my absence, neglecting my friends on LJ - where I haven't read my flist in, like, a month. *hangs head in shame* I'm really going to try to do better.

As for what's going on in my life, in no particular order ...

First quarter report cards came out. Two got a C in math, a C+ in English, both mostly due to poor test scores, a B in Science and an A- in Social Studies, plus solid As for his electives (gym, intro to engineering and applied technology). Not his greatest achievements, sigh. I just wish I could figure out why he doesn't test well, and how to get around it, since he doesn't seem to have test anxiety.

MiniPlu doesn't get 1st or 3rd quarter report cards, only at the semester mark. However, according to the online portal, she got an A- in Honors English and Chem, an A in Math (!!!) and a B++ in Latin. She's disappointed the English grade isn't an A, and I do hope this isn't going to disrupt her hope of getting into NHS later, given the tough GPA standards, but, still, a good showing for a tough semester.

MiniPlu has also started SAT prep tutoring, once a week.

I am stupidly happy about Prince Harry and Megan Markle getting engaged. Just - we all need something positive to focus on right now, you know? And they seem adorable together. (Also, Prince William's remark about hoping that his brother will stop raiding his fridge now really cracks me up.)

Thanksgiving was fine, pretty laid back. We had a houseguest for 2 weeks (left this morning) - old family friend of R&K's. He's a very low-key and friendly guy, but he can be frustrating sometimes, too. First off: Harvey's a huge conservative, which means sometimes biting my tongue. Secondly, he talks nonstop if there's someone to talk to, which can get draining after awhile. And thirdly, he doesn't DO anything, really. He depends on Karen to take him places, which means if she's slept in, he just sits around the kitchen or living room and stares into space, unless there's a person to talk to or someone to get the TV set up for him. He doesn't bring a book. He doesn't go for a walk. He just ... sits. So I feel bad for him if nobody is available to entertain him.

But, anyway, Thanksgiving was just our basic crew of 6, my FIL (who is here twice a week as it is), and Harvey. But, you know, we still had a giant turkey, two hams, the usual trimmings and side dishes, plus four pies (two different pumpkin and two identical apple, all of which I made by myself because Rob was too busy).

Karen and I took MiniPlu and her BFF out for Gray Thurs/Black Fri shopping. Came home in the wee hours of morning, slept 3 hours, then got up again to take Two out for *his* promised Black Fri shopping, starting with the bookstore, which was the sole reason I got up at 7:30a. Every year they offer a selection of autographed books, and it's always fun to pick up a few of those. Anyway, spent a couple of hours hitting some strategic shops with Two, came home for a rest, then took MiniPlu back out for a bit to an outlet center where we'd had some luck last year. So, yeah, a LOT of shopping in 36 hours, and I was definitely ready for a break after that!

I'd found a purse I kind of liked at Kohl's (a department store famous for having decent sales), but it was pricey so I skipped it at that time. Fast forward until a couple of weeks ago, when they were having a sale, so I found what I thought was the same purse online, and bought it. But when it arrived, it was smaller than I remembered it - I'd gotten the wrong model. So, I took it back, and Two and I poked around to see if I could find the one I'd initially seen. We did find the company line that I'd found before, with a couple of different ones I was considering. They were still kind of pricey, even at 40% off, but I did have some Kohl's rewards and a 15% coupon and I figured I could always just hand the purse to my mom or Will and say, "Here's your Christmas present for me, keep it until then." But when we went to check out, it rang up at *90%* off. I had the clerk double-check it, because, seriously, when does that EVER happen? But she scanned it again and, yep: $109 purse (why so much? it's not like it was Gucci, sheesh) scanned in at $10.90 on clearance. It wasn't in the clearance section, nor was it the only item of that exact model in the 40% section, so I still don't know if there was a screwup somewhere or not, but I wasn't going to complain. And for just under $10 (with my 15% coupon!) I could afford to get it for myself, guilt-free.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling really overwhelmed by what I need to get done in the next 3 weeks: several craft projects, getting cards mailed (this is something I really love doing, but ... finding the time!), finish buying and wrapping gifts, finishing my Yuletide fic, which has been giving me fits ... *cries*. If only I could live Will's life and claim the entire evening to myself, without being clung to by kids for various reasons. Yes, I could make Will spend time with Two (although this is difficult) or help MiniPlu with homework, but they want me.

All I want to do is read and brainlessly wander the internet. Anything else requires too many brain cells (which is why I fell so far behind on LJ).

Nala's house accidents are getting worse, and we're not sure what to do with her. :-(

I read RoL's first graphic novel, Body Work (I think that was the title?) and enjoyed it. Alas, that's the only one our county library system carries. I've started one of Jimmy Carter's autobiographies, A Full Life and Cassie's Lord of Shadows but am currently taking a break from both to re-read The Scottish Boy, which I'm loving just as much the second time around, if not more.

And *points to timestamp* I never get enough sleep, sigh.

news, books, nala, school:miniplu, school:two, shopping, holidays

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