Gacked from
(Side note: I'm not sure what's so difficult about this. It's not an especially personal meme.)
1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
Nature Valley protein bar.
2. Where was your profile picture taken?
I actually don't remember where I got my DW default pic with the frogs. Someone made my current LJ default after asking what my favorite flowers were - they made both a red and a pink version. My usual LJ default, of toddler me *points up*, was taken in my back yard, as far as I know, when I was about 20 months old.
3. Worst pain you've ever experienced?
Period pains, to the point I nearly passed out. This happened to me more than once.
4. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Unbelievably, Nathaniel Hawthorne. There was actually a smartass line in The Scarlet Letter, who knew?
5. How late did you stay up last night?
1a. Bad me.
6. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be?
London. Lake Tahoe. Austria. My old PA community so I could go back to TKD there.
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
I ... don't think so? I haven't seen a live fireworks show in a zillion years, except when I've been at Disney World, and I don't *think* I remember kissing during that.
8. Which of your Facebook friends lives closest to you?
Don't have FB friends, unless you count the school district. :P
9. How do you feel about turkey burgers?
They're fine, if I'm in the mood for that.
10. When was the last time you cried?
It's been ages. Reading an especially emo scene from Cassie's Clockwork Princess, maybe? I don't cry easily.
11. Who took your profile photo?
For the toddler pic: presumably one of my parents, no idea which one.
12. Who was the last person you took a picture with
I *think* the last with-a-person photo I took was with Two in Hawaii, while he squirmed to avoid the camera. :P
13. What's your favourite season?
14. If you could have any career.
Children's librarian.
15. Do you think relationships are ever worth it?
If you have the *right* relationship - and that means both friendships as well as romantic ones.
16. If you could talk to ANYONE right now who would it be?
17. Are you a good influence?
I try.
18. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
YES. Unless you're MiniPlu.
(Side note: I've read only two Stucky Big Bang fics so far - haven't had time for more - and the "pineapple on pizza" debate was mentioned in both of them, lol.)
19. You have the remote, what channel are you watching?
I have no idea what channel is showing what these days. It's been a year and a half since I had cable TV (and not just Netflix).
20. Who do you think will fill this out?
Anyone who hasn't done it yet.
Someone was reminding me recently that I never provided details on why my dad's neighbour called me on Tues while we were at the library. (Because seriously. Last Tuesday.) So, okay, here it is:
My dad's neighbour, B, did hasten to assure me that he was fine before starting on the reason for her call, so at least I knew he hadn't broken anything or died or anything. But she opened up with this bombshell:
"He's been going through our trash."
Say what now?
She started off by explaining that at first he was just fishing around for recyclables, and pulling them out, which they had just shrugged off and said, "Eh, whatever." But now he's pulling out food that they've tossed, and they're concerned he'll make himself ill. I could immediately picture in my head that my dad, having grown up with periods of extreme poverty, would want to repurpose anything he could possibly see as wasteful - he's that kind of guy. But going through a neighbor's TRASH? I mean, he's picked up discarded items by the side of the road and fixed them or repurposed them, but I've never known him to root through someone else's garbage. B did also explain that they take their own trash to the dump, rather than having pickup service, so their garbage collects a little longer than it otherwise might (thus - unfortunately - giving my dad more time to dumpster dive). She said they had spoken to my dad and he had of course promised to stop ... and then completely forgotten the conversation.
Argh! I mean, what do you do for this? I promised to speak to my dad and to encourage him to write himself one of his millions of reminder notes, to stick on his front door. However, I also pointed out that if he was, say, working in his garden when he was seized by the urge to save his neighbours from wasteful behaviour, then all the notes in the world wouldn't help him, because he'd be outside. I suggested, instead, that SHE write a note and stick it on their garbage, along the lines of "[Dad's name] please do not take anything" or the more general "Private property, do not touch" or something like that, so he would see it right in front of him, exactly at the moment he needed to see it. B agreed that was a good idea, although I don't know if she's done it yet.
I did try to call my dad midweek, but, as I had warned B, he doesn't tend to pick up the phone if he's not expecting a call, convinced everyone must be spam, so my conversation with him had to wait for our usual Sunday night check-in. He readily admitted going through B's garbage, and, as I had forecast, explained that it was because "food is sacred" to him, and he can't stand seeing any wasted. But he also quickly said that, "If it bothers them, then of course I'll stop!" I had to tell him that he'd already had this exact conversation with them, and was forgetting. He agreed he'd write himself a reminder note immediately after the conversation, but given that he forgot to thank the relay person - which he almost ALWAYS remembers to do at sign-off - I'm not real hopeful that he remembered to write a note even three minutes after it had been mentioned. So, uh, we'll see how this goes.
But just ... I'm a little freaked out that my dad has decided it's ok to go through someone's garbage without permission. It's not like he's EVER approved of waste, in any form, so why start now? I don't know how concerned I should be about this, given that he *seems* to still be functioning all right, without any confusion or other inappropriate behavior, for everything else. The only thing he really cannot readily do anymore is math (keep in mind, the guy has a PhD in a scientific field), but a kind bank teller helps him balance his checkbook, and almost all his bills are auto-pay.
It's times like this I really hate living across the country - 3000 miles/5000km - from him.
On a completely different note: OMG, Taylor Swift's new song is only 3 days old and is already stuck in my head. >_<