Meme, movie and life

Jan 19, 2017 22:05

Meme, courtesy of piperki:

1. State your name:
Deborah, Debbie, DAP, Mom, Love, [insert barking noise here] - it depends on who's asking. DON'T call me "Deb".

2. State the name that your parents almost named you:
I think it would have been Daniel if I'd been male.

3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?
Are we asking with whom I behave myself the most or who pisses me off least? Because those aren't the same answer.

4. What was your first job?
If you don't count babysitting, my first paid job was working in a pet store, in the fish department, when I was 15.

6. Did anything embarrassing happen this week?
MiniPlu's friend came over and the house was a wreck, as usual, but I tried not to let it upset me too much.

7. Do you miss your ex?
Depends on the ex.

8. Do people praise you for your looks?
Husband does.

9. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?

10. How do you wear your makeup?
If I wear any at all: light.

11. What are some of your nicknames?
See above.

12. How many bedrooms are in your house?

13. How many bathrooms?

14. Do you have a job?
Not one that pays.

15. Do you have a car?
2008 Subaru Forester

16. Do you work out every week?
I run 3x/week and I try to practice TKD at least 2x/week, although those workouts tend to be shorter. I recently signed up to do conditioning through my church's athletic club 2x/week, as well.

17. Did you brush your teeth this morning?
I confess I'm more religious about brushing at night than I am in the morning.

18. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?
No kissy one-night stands, no. I did kiss a friend because we just kind of let it bleed over into "friends with benefits" while I was visiting him, and after that visit, we never saw each other again, so … kind of? But I'd known him several years before that.

19. Have you ever sang in front of a crowd?
I sang Polynesian music in dance performances for 10 years, sang in the choir for four years of high school and four years of college, plus two years of a small community chamber choir while I in grad school, once as part of a small group of singers at a wedding, and several years of a church folk choir. It's not exactly singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl, but it did involve singing in front of others.

20. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?
Skirted tankinis are my favorite, although I do sometimes wear a bikini top with said skirt, or a tankini top with a regular bottom.

21. Do you like your eyes?
I like their dark brown color.

22. Do you think you are pretty?
Eh, ok.

23. Who was the last person you talked to in person?

24. How much money is in your checking account?
Depends on how many bills there are.

25. Are you single?

26. Do you want kids?
Already have two.

27. Tell me what your backpack looks like:
Blue with many pockets.

28. What celebrity do you think is hot?
There are many attractive celebrities but no one individual I drool over.

29. Last movie you saw in theatre:
Rogue One

30. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?
Only if by "dated" you mean "are still married to".

31. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?
Not that I'm aware of.

32. Have you ever cheated?
No. I have dated two people at the same time, but they both knew about each other. I discovered I'm not cut out to divide my affections like that.

33: Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
I've kissed my son on the head plenty of times.

34: What do you like to do in your spare time? Read, write, knit, sew, draw, bake, sleep.

35: Do you have a facebook? Only a ghost account to follow the school accounts.

36: What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you?
Our kids did up MiniPlu's room with candles, a table and chairs, drew up a menu for spaghetti, bread and salad, and served us dinner.

37: Who was the last person you texted?

38: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have?
Nine? (Including Will.) Although, honestly, most of those I only considered to be "people I dated" and not actual boyfriends.

39: How do you look right now?
Like somebody's mom. :-P

40: Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”?

Last day before, as lanai puts it, the Orange Troll takes over. It's hard to picture being able to stand watching the news for the next four years (and, dear God, he's already promoting his campaign slogan for 2020) but ... sigh. We can't stick our heads in the sand for four years. However, for those of us who wish we could just skip tomorrow, I'm helping promote

(Click image to learn more.)

So: Rogue One. I really did enjoy it, but found some bits confusing and weird.

Ok, so, the overall plot was fine, and I was impressed with how well it threads right into A New Hope. However, I couldn't remember anyone's name except Jyn's - they just didn't seem to pick names that stuck out at all. I really liked Blind Priest Guy and the K2 droid (total lack of filter = much hilariousness). Jyn's foster father was confusing in that he was kind of on nobody's side but his own, while my brain kept trying to figure out what his real interests were. And what was with making him a sort of pseudo Darth Vader - two artifical legs and constantly breathing into a mask? That just seemed weird. In fact, they seemed to be determined to have a lot of "Hey, that character - or at least, the species - was in [insert Star Wars movie here] background characters throughout the movie, and while I suppose that could be considered a neat Easter Egg-y thing, to me it was annoying because it seemed like they were trying too hard to, say, re-create the Cantina environment, or what have you.

I know there's been a lot of controversy over the CGI'd Grand Moff Tarkin, but I thought it was ok. I could tell it was CGI because I was looking for it - he didn't move quite naturally enough. But still - the improvements CGI has had over the years is pretty damn amazing. And, obviously, Carrie Fisher was CGI'd, but that was such a brief moment, I didn't really care. The lady in the white gown (see? no idea what people's names were) - I guess she wasn't CGI? Did they just find a dead ringer for the actress who was in Jedi, or did they use makeup/CGI to age her down?

I still prefer the puppet-ized characters (in this case, the squid-head species from Jedi) to the CGI versions. Like I said, CGI has improved a LOT - compare them to, say, the CGI version of Jabba the Hutt. But it's still not as tangible as the solid prostheses.

My friend Jen had warned me that everyone dies, so at least I went into the movie knowing that would happen. I normally shun spoilers but I had been asking her if it was ok to take Two to, since it was supposed to be a darker film than the usual Star Wars fare, and she said it was, but that, you know, everyone dies. All four of us knew it going in, and I think that was good.

Anyway, aside from some initially confusing "who is on what side and what are the motivations here" plot points earlier in the film, and a pile of completely forgettable character names, I did like the movie overall and I'm glad I went.

My kids were supposed to have eye exams today, but it turned out we were two weeks shy of the date MiniPlu qualified for, so, in the name of NOT having to shell out $75 for an exam, I postponed both their appointments for that date, in 2.5 weeks.

I still need to find a pediatrician, for Two's annual checkup. (Speaking of Two - today's his Gotcha Day. He pretty much wants nothing to do with remembering his adoption or his past, but he still wanted the traditional ice cream cake to celebrate. :-P)

movies, meme, two, adoption

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