So, yesterday was my 45th bday. Five years left 'til the big 5-0 (which Will and his twin are hitting this winter). The morning was given over to birthday celebration - we went out for a late breakfast, which Karen actually managed to get to (only a few mins late), which was nice. I'd been wearing a "Birthday girl" badge that I've had forever, which meant the waitress arranged for her peers to sing to me, with a candle stuck in a blueberry muffin. *g*
Once we got home, I opened the gifts from Will and the kids, plus my mom and my friend in Boston. Everyone was terribly generous.
I now have six new fiction books to read on Kindle (including the two final Temeraire books, Lady Midnight by Cassie, one by Bill Bryson, and two small m/m fiction stories that looked interesting. Also, in paper format, a graphic novel compendium for the only graphic I ever was interested in (Elfquest), an autobiography about a blind woman and her guide dog that I had loved as a teen, and a drawing book. MiniPlu bought me Cursed Child, too, although that, obviously, won't be out for a few weeks. Will also gave me five CDs for things I previously owned on tape but hadn't yet purchased on CD, and the kids gave me goodies from our local chocolate store (chocolate-dipped Nutter Butters and one of their evil chocolate caramel apples). My mom put together a bunch of stories of her life that I might not have known about. All in all, a bunch of lovely treats, and I am wishing I had all the time in the world to just sit and read.
After an entirely fruitless trip to Lowes, we then got ready to attend the post-wedding reception for S&K; S was one of the twins' college buddies.
He's lived in TX for over 20 years, and long despaired of ever finding the right woman to marry. I kept reminding him that my uncle didn't find the right woman until he was nearly 50 and - sure enough - S is 48 now. They had a private ceremony in TX in May, and are spending the summer traveling around to both their hometown areas to have laid back celebrations with friends and family. Anyway - yesterday afternoon/evening was their "reception". Given how long S had waited to marry, it was entirely appropriate that I set aside my birthday for the day, and focus on them. It was a pretty quiet party - we didn't know too many people, but we did socialize some, there was tons of food, and the kids swam in the pool. Will and I got back about 7:10pm because I felt guilty about the dog still being crated and without food. K stayed with the kids so they could swim longer, and other friends drove them all back to our house about an hour later. Meanwhile, I talked to my aunt/uncle for my bday. (If my dad tried to call, we'll have no idea as we don't have voice mail set up for the house phone.)
K offered to take some of our packed boxes home with her, so Will and Two helped her tape and load up stuff, until W got an unexplicable dizzy spell, complete with cold sweat, and had to lie down for awhile. Still no idea what triggered that, but it's happened to me occasionally, too (last time on our anniversary, in fact). So we got him comfortable on the sofa with ice, and I read aloud from this hysterical book of Autocorrect Fails we just bought on clearance at B&N to distract him from his misery. Thankfully, it seems to have just been a weird one-off thing, as he was fine this morning. But, anyway, K left around 9:30p and then S&K arrived a little over an hour later, after cleaning up the party. We chatted about an hour, and then I went to bed.
So: morning birthday, afternoon reception, all in all a pretty decent day. Minus Will's minor health weirdness.
Memo to Turkey: AGAIN? This whole mass-murder thing is getting really old, people. Knock it off.
And now, I need a nap. So much for having a productive day. :-P