Before this gets even more out of date:
Survey meme, gacked from
Three days from now this time, where will you be?
[Based on when I started this meme]: Friday night, 10:10pm
Who was the first person you talked to today?
Do you smoke weed everyday?
Did the original meme-writer live in Colorado or something? O_o
Could you go a month without cursing?
I'd have to work pretty hard at it.
When’s the last time you talked with the opposite sex on the phone?
Probably Will, last week. [Edit: Wed, at 5:55p]
What do you miss?
Hanging out with S&S.
Do you like anyone more than a friend?
My husband.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
Possibly even as long as 19 years. :P
How’s your heart lately?
Emotionally or physically? (They're both fine, fwiw.)
Have you ever had a really big fight with your best friend?
No. Drifting away, yes. I mean, when I was in 5th grade I did have fights with the girl who would become my best friend the following year, but she wasn't my best friend quite yet. (She and another friend of mine hated each other, and I kept getting caught in the middle.)
Do you think age matters in relationships?
Depends on how much of a proportional chunk of your life is in the age difference. When you're 15, a 5-year gap is "Don't even go there" large, but when you're 25, it's not that much of an issue, and by the time you're 60 - who cares?
It also depends on the relative maturity of each of the participants, and whether they're in similar phases of their lives.
Are you wearing a necklace; who got it for you?
I bought the actual necklace - the silver chain. I also bought most of the things on it - the Chinese symbols for Horse and Sheep and a tiny plumeria. I have a saint medal (St Anne) that MiniPlu got me, which isn't normally something I would bother wearing but: she got it for me, so of course I do. And I have a REALLY battered cross that I was given when I was 9 - by my mother? I no longer remember.
What were you doing at 9:00 am?
Supervising 6th-grade pre-algebra students while they took a quiz and worked independently on the school laptops.
Do you like the rain?
Most of the time. Growing up in CA, I learned to think of rain as cozy and a positive thing, because there's almost never enough of it. I'm not that keen on going for walks in it, though, or driving in downpours.
What did you last say out loud?
Probably "I love you" as I tucked kids in.
Are you currently wearing anything green?
I've got a Hogwarts crest Tshirt on, which has green in it.
Who was your 6th grade teacher?
Sixth grade was still elementary school when I was growing up. My teacher was Miss Jacobs, a tiny woman - students were about her height or taller - who had traveled extensively. We actually had a joint 5th/6th class, and I remember being assigned reports at one point: 5th graders studied the Mayans, and 6th the Incas. Every week she'd bring in slides from her travels: Central and South America, Mexico, China, the US. She wasn't the warmest teacher, but I remember learning a lot in her class and I liked her just fine. She drove a 1960s white Mustang, which was distinctive enough even in the early 1980s, so we always knew she was there when we walked/rode past the teacher's lot on the way to school every morning.
How many people live with you?
Three humans and two dogs.
Do you watch soap operas?
Not anymore. My mom watched Guiding Light and so I would sometimes watch along with her, especially if I was home sick. And there was a short period of time when I was in grad school when I got sucked into a particular plotline over Christmas break and followed it for awhile once I got back to DC, but once the thrill of that was over, I dropped it again.
When was the last time you went camping?
Thankfully probably a good 15 years. My feelings on camping can be summed up in a Dilbert cartoon, wherein he suggests to Dogbert that they go camping. Dogbert suggests that, instead, they just sleep in the garage, eat bugs and not take showers. Dilbert insists that's completely different, although he cannot think why. Dogbert asks, "Why? Because we won't get lost?"
How long has it been since you last cut your hair?
Uh, mid-fall, I think? I've been debating participating in our church's Locks of Love thing next month, but it would mean taking my hair to above-chin level, which I normally hate on me. But I also know my hair will grow back, so I'm trying not to be selfish about this.
Who was your best friend in kindergarten?
I have no idea. My best friend in preschool was named Kendra and in the latter part of first grade I changed to a new school and became friends with Laurie, who would remain my best friend through sixth grade. But kindergarten? No idea.
Is that person still your best friend?
Nope. We drifted apart in middle school/junior high. Our moms are still friends, though, and Laurie and I did have a nice catch-up chat at our 20th HS reunion in 2009.
Have you had your 17th birthday?
Lo, these many years ago.
Does your birthdate occur after the 15th of your birth month?
Where was the last place you wrote a check to/used your debit card?
Wrote a check at church this past Sunday in exchange for gift cards (part of an ongoing fundraiser).
Do you wear eyeliner on a regular basis?
No, only when I'm trying to look more professional. Or, like, at the Christmas Eve party.
Do you know your blood type?
What is your mom’s middle name?
Her maiden name.
What was the last thing you had to drink?
Water. I'm so exciting.
Yesterday, did you get up before 9 AM?
It was a marching band morning, so, yep, I was up at 6am.
Do you like country music?
Some of it, if it isn't overly nasal.
Was there snow last year on Christmas?
Not for Christmas 2015. I think there was for Christmas 2014, though.
Who was the last person to give you flowers?
Husband, who brought me twin bouquets of mixed pink and white flowers from the store.
Are you Catholic?
A flaming liberal one. :P
Did anyone tell you that you looked good today?
MiniPlu approved the outfit I was wearing to teach at her school, where her peers might *gasp* see me, so … does that count?
What were you doing at 3 PM?
Picking up kids from school.
Have you had your wisdom teeth out?
Only one. I had all my 12-year molars removed surgically, as they were impacted below the surface. This had the side benefit of leaving room for my wisdom teeth. One, however, came in angled too badly to keep, but removing it was a cinch compared to the 12-year-molar horror I had to endure.
Your appendix?
I've still got it. The only other thing I've had surgically removed is my tonsils.
Have you ever taken a pregnancy test?
Several. Usually when I was psyching myself out, wondering about weird symptoms that were absolutely nothing to get wigged out about, but hope took a long time to die.
Do you bite your nails?
Only if it's snagged on something, but I do try not to, otherwise. I was a serious nail-biter until mid-college. Oddly, giving it up for Lent helped me kick the habit for good, after just two tries.
Do you prefer hot, humid weather or bone-chilling cold weather?
Cold. You can always add more layers, but there's only so much you can take off. :P
Last place you took a nap?
The living room sofa.
Does any part on your body hurt?
My back. Gosh, can't think why! :P (Although, to be fair, although it burns some if I've leaned against it or moved around too much, it's totally bearable.)
Are you taller than your mom?
I am now - she's shrinking.
Do you have nightmares a lot?
Thankfully, no.
Who was the last person you texted?
My friend Jen, saying goodnight.
Have you ever ridden a horse?
Yes. My grandparents used to have an old horse they'd walk around the paddock, with me perched on top. Also, my jr high/high school friend Nancy owned a horse (eventually two) and we'd sometimes go riding in the foothills of Mt Diablo. I miss those days, even if it did mean I couldn't walk for a week afterwards.
Who did you last eat Chinese food with?
Family - we got takeaway on Saturday evening.
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Will has some work to do on the pickup truck, and I have to take MiniPlu to get her eyes examined for new glasses.
Do you have a job?
For the past three weeks now, heh.
Are you dating the person you text most?
Nope, I'm not even married to the person I text most. That would be Jen.
What do you look forward to at the end of everyday?
A little peace and quiet.
What is the closest grocery store to your house?
The Giant across the street.
When was the last time you colored with crayons?
Probably doing some coloring on demand with Two.
Have you ever owned a plant? What was it?
As a homeowner, I own lots of outdoor plants. :P Indoors, I've owned several planters filled with a variety of plants, which I nurse along until they get so unwieldy and weird-looking, I toss it. (This takes 10+ years.) Currently we have a bloom-less Christmas cactus on the kitchen counter, which the librarian gave me as a holiday gift a year ago.
Have you met anyone famous?
I met Cassie Clare while she was just fanfic-famous, not yet published-author famous. Also Sarah Reese Brennan, in her pre-published life. And
pegkerr. That's about it, I think.
What was the worst injury you have ever had?
Dislocated kneecap.
At thanksgiving dinner, what is the first thing you go for?
Whatever comes first on the buffet/whatever is closest at the table. If you mean "What do you eat first" - probably the turkey, actually.
When you were a kid, who was your best pal?
Grade 1-6, Laurie
Grade 7-8: Debbi
Grade 7-12: Nancy
Grade 6-12: Beth (who I considered my absolute best friend from 9th grade onward, but she didn't go to my high school)
Do you have any special talents?
I can wiggle the center of my upper lip without moving any other part of my face. It seems to be a genetic mutation; I've never met anyone else who can do it.
Have you ever been to a nursing home?
I used to work in one. Fun times.
What kind of job did your mom have when you were growing up?
She worked part time as a licensed marriage and family counselor out of our home, but not past my being about 10 years old. She later worked with bereaved parents, but I was in college by then.
Have you ever known anyone that’s been on tv, including you?
I was interviewed for TV under the cherry blossoms near Jefferson Memorial one lovely spring day, when I'd chosen to study outside. And the middle school marching band is on TV every year at Halloween, when they broadcast the town Halloween parade.
What was the most interesting animal you have seen in the wild?
I can't think of anything but the usual suspects: small snakes, deer, groundhogs, bunnies, etc.
What holiday do you enjoy the most?
Probably Christmas - the lights, the joy of giving, holiday music, Christmas trees.
What was the first video game you ever played?
Probably Pong, lol. Or Atari Pacman (on an actual arcade machine).
What is the one thing you own, that if it got lost, you would be bummed?
I couldn't pick one! All my regular jewelry - the neckchain with pendants, wedding/engagement ring, my grandmother's wedding ring, my "Beloved" ring. My silver "wooden" shoes necklace, from when I was five - they're my good luck charm. My stuffed dog and old teddy bear. Our dogs. Photo albums.
Do you have a favorite breakfast item?
Waffles. But I like pretty much anything bready - scones, toast, biscuits, pastries, etc.
What do you find yourself buying all the time?
Groceries. :-P
When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail?
Christmas cards from those few people who include actual notes or newsletters.
Do you have a most prized piece of jewelry?
See jewelry list above, although my wedding band and my grandmother's wedding band, for sheer sentimentality, would probably top the list.
Do you own any board games?
What chore seems the most daunting right now?
Cleaning, painting and packing.
Were you born in the state you live in?
Not even close.
Have you ever lived in a house that has been broken into?
Unfortunately, yes. My childhood home was broken into when my mother was away and my father was watching me. The thieves must've been casing the house because my dad was actually staying with me at OUR house, but one night that week, he needed to spend the night at HIS house, so he just swung by our house in the morning so I could grab stuff before school, and the front door was ajar. The only thing the thieves took was our ancient (even for then) TV, so while the idea of a break-in was scary, they pretty much got what they deserved with that piece of junk. :-P And it prompted my mom to install a deadbolt.
Every house on our block was broken into at least once, during my youth - and it's not really a crime-riddled area.
What is your favorite cheese?
Medium cheddar, or a really buttery Monterrey Jack. Or pastry-encrusted baked brie.
Who do you know that watches the most sports?
Do you like reality TV shows?
Only the wedding-dress-centric ones. Pretty dresses help cancel out the stupidity factor.
Would you rather have a chocolate or strawberry cake for your birthday?
Chocolate, hands down. But only MY chocolate cake. :P
What color are your jeans?
Blue. Shocking, I know.
Are you scared of fireworks?
Nope, never was.
Do you hate loud people?
If they're inappropriately loud, yes. If they're shouting to be heard over the subway or something, then no.
Do you get embarrassed when the buzzer at the airport goes off on you?
No, just annoyed.
What does your last received text message say?
"Bed now, sleep well!"
Do you like drawing all over people/their belongings?
No, although I went through a brief period where I liked drawing flowered vines around my ankle, like a fake tattoo.
What’s a smell that makes you feel ill?
Vomit. :-P
When was the last time someone told you they loved you?
This morning.
Do you get lonely easily?
Not easily, but after awhile, then yes. I like balance - too much "people time" drives me nuts, too.
Do you read “texts from last night?”
I don't even know what that is.
What was the last thing you ate?
Ice cream. :P
Is there any talent you would love to have?
Realistic people drawing. Organization skills.
Have you ever deliberately tripped someone?
I don't THINK so?
Do you have any boxsets for TV shows?
Three seasons of West Wing, one season of Frasier, complete series of Coupling (UK), two seasons of Friends, couple seasons of Gilmore Girls, entire series of Psych, entire series of Sherlock, several seasons of White Collar.
Who was the first person to text you on your birthday?
Jen, probably. Of people who text me, she'd be the first one awake.
Are you tired?
What was the last TV show you watched?
The CBS morning news.
Is your door open right now?
I'm in the living room - no doors (except the shut front door).
[Continuing on about 24 hours later]
What was the last conversation you had with someone about?
I played the role of several stuffed animals talking to Two as I tucked him in. (Nightly ritual.) The smilie stuffie said that it had been so long since he'd last talked, he'd been feeling pretty frowny. Yes, it was a scintillating conversation.
What was the last parcel you received?
I'm not sure about the last parcel that was for me, personally. The last parcel that came was, I think, the new tech shirts I'd ordered for Will. They'd been an Amazon DotD, so we'd given two of them a shot. Alas, they're not made of especially wick-y fabric, so while they might work for outdoor runs, they won't work for indoor bike rides.
Is the person you last texted single?
Legally, yes, but only for another 6.5 months.
What color is your favorite bra?
Beige. You can wear anything with beige undergarments. Although the prettiest one is probably the black one, with lace inserts on the sides.
What is your natural hair color?
Dark brown, with some gray strands near my face.
Have you ever been hit by the opposite sex?
Not deliberately. Will has rolled over in his sleep and accidentally clocked me in the face a time or two.
Have you ever liked someone older than you?
I think everyone I ever dated fell into this category, with "older" ranging from a couple of months to 20-ish years. (The latter one didn't get past the first date, after I'd crushed on him for awhile, but I did go out with a charming fellow who was, I think, 14 years older than I am, for several very nice months.)
Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?
Oh, plenty, starting with homesickness when I was a kid (and visiting my dad or my grandparents) to being a big stress case over college assignments. It was always my mom on the other end.
Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?
I've never truly stayed up all night, period (not counting jet lag). The latest I managed was 3:30am in college and 4am the night of the senior prom (in high school) but neither of those involved phones. :P
What is the newest addition to your wardrobe?
Couple of tshirts I received for Christmas.
Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive?
She's what I'd call "handsome" rather than traditionally beautiful, but she's attractive in her way, yeah.
Do you have any currency that’s not your native country’s?
Will just came across some Chinese yuan when he was sorting through old papers and such, and I'm pretty sure I've got some leftover bits and bobs (mostly, if not entirely coins) of British currency, Euros, Austrian Schillings, DMs and I'm not sure what else.
Ever had a boy best friend?
Yes, several times.
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
My husband hinted he was bringing me gluten-free treats from a local bakery today, and I got all excited for cookies (which is what he got last time), so I was a little disappointed when it was bread (good bread, but … bread), but I definitely don't hate him for it! :P
Have you ever tried wine?
Surprised though the meme-writer must be, I'm well past the age of 21. :P I tend to like lighter, fruitier and sweeter wines, although not super-sweet, necessarily. But I hate the feeling of being buzzed so much, I rarely have more than a few sips.
Do you stay up later than ten o’clock on a week night?
Yes, although I'm really trying to turn off screens by around 10pm on school nights these days. It doesn't mean I'm in bed at 10p, but at least I'm in bed at a more reasonable hour.
Do you fall asleep texting every night?
Do kids do this these days?
Did a half-day sub job for Two's math teacher yesterday. Took a last-minute (as in: school had already started) sub job as Two's science teacher today. Today's kids were in much chattier, gigglier moods, and I feel like I yelled too much. Need to find a different approach.
Took the waterproof 4x4"/10x10cm plastic bandages off my back today (two of them), and now my back itches. But, of course, you can't scratch, because everything is still fairly tender. Grump. (Surgical adhesive tape is still holding everything in place, but at least the area being covered up is much smaller now.) No longer need Tylenol, can put up with mild discomfort if I've been leaning against it too much.
Bra straps cut right across the surgical sites, so, except for when I've been teaching, I've gone without. Thank goodness it's sweater weather. :P
For fans of the Little House books (and TV show), I thought this was interesting:
The real reason Mary Ingalls went blind.
And I LOVE the story of
this Muslim ballerina.
Ok, past my 10pm screen-curfew. Off to bed.