Win for the day: I had $70 in Kohl's Cash between buying new, full-sized suitcases for the girls and some clothing Will had recently bought, another $10 coupon that came at the bottom of a Staples receipt, and a "bonus 20% off everything" coupon that came in email. I bought a small ceramic frying pan to replace our dying Teflon one, a dressy-ish
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the 4th grade team was trying to impress upon us how seriously the district is taking this no-junk thing, by saying that if they were caught violating the policy they could lose their jobs. Meanwhile, MiniPlu has TWICE been given small amounts of candy for little prizes, with no apparent concern on the part of the teachers. Same district
That's crazy -- but also not totally surprising, because while all our schools seem to have the same basic policy from the district, the degree to which they enforce it is very different -- cousin D's school outright forbids sugar while our elementary school just discourages it (and everybody ignores that rule).
The other one is apparently older than she looks, as she's taught for 28 years and, in fact, taught the younger one when she was a tween
That's got to be so weird, in a neat way, for the younger teacher! L has a teacher who will be going on maternity leave shortly, too -- actually, she's 8 months along, so she'll be leaving some time in the next month. Which is a bummer, as I think most of the reason L picked choir for her elective is that she really liked this teacher, and there's no info at all about who will be replacing her.
When I was in middle school, I remember doing actual cooking. On a stove.
We did too -- I remember making lollipops (sugar + food coloring and melting that and letting it cool), and I think pizza? Baking something, too, though I don't remember what. And we made a pillow we then embroidered in the sewing section -- my mother still has it somewhere, I think.
Perhaps, since the 6th-grader you'll have in PREP is so much older (the other kids are 2nd graders, I gather?), you can enlist him as a sort of helper? And maybe his interests skew different enough that you can still do 12 holiday gifts from Oriental (love that place, btw! was kind of bummed when the rodents outgrew parties with goodie bags so I had no further reason to shop there :P) and a separate different giftie for him?
I found the first part of NotW really slow -- actually, I liked the beginning of Kvothe's story, with his parents, but the Tarbean part not so much. But once he gets to Imre, things really took off for me. Looking forward to your impressions as you keep reading!
I admit I was surprised that Dr. Whatshername hadn't pinged that Deryn was a girl - there were times I was sure she knew
This was something I found hard to believe, too... I wonder if Westerfeld changed his mind about whether or not Barlowe knew about Deryn, because I did feel like it was foreshadowed that she knew. If he did change his mind, I can't figure out why... but ah well.
Good luck with the relay tomorrow!
I like the idea of giving my elder student a separate gift; however, I'm not sure about making him a "helper" - I have two official helpers already (MiniPlu and an 8th grader I've already met, v much like Two only doesn't mind being an actual girl). And, besides, having him as a helper means that I'm not giving him a chance to learn. I may ask my co-teacher what she does with her older students. Hmmm.
See my comment above about the pathetic "lesson" they had today on microwave popcorn. :-P
Relay went well - thanks!
I don't know that Tarbean was so much hard for me emotionally as that part of the book had the least of what appeals to me about this series -- magic geekery and clever dialogue.
Microwave popcorn, really? XD (Although judging by how often people manage to burn popcorn at work, maybe it's more challenging than one realizes...)
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