There's a lot going on in my head at the moment, and no time to sit down uninterrupted at the computer except late at night. A lot of it has to do with the turmoil that is Two, and probably deserves its own post, eventually.
For now, though:
* MiniPlu joined the orchestra at school. The band/marching band is mandatory for any wind or brass instrument player, but the orchestra and jazz band are voluntary. There were only 2 spots (of 6) open to incoming 6th grade clarinetists, but, oddly, only MiniPlu came forward. No re-audition necessary. (Everyone had to audition for jazz band, however, regardless of whether they'd played before. Why? No idea.) Unfortunately for MiniPlu (and, indirectly, for me), this means that during the school year, she'll have to be at school nearly an hour early for four of the five days each week; Mon/Th for band and Tue/Fri for orchestra. To review: she is NOT a morning person. :P
* She is also considering joining Drama Club, which meets after school, but I do not know which days or what hours they meet.
The constantly fluctuating arrival and departure times, plus Two's once-a-week after-school tutoring is making it difficult to figure out how I'm getting everyone to and from school this year. MiniPlu refuses to travel anywhere by foot or bike by herself, but is willing to go with friends. I was never EVER given a ride to or from school unless it was pouring rain or I had just recovered from illness - I walked 1st-2nd grade, rode the bus in 3rd grade, rode my bike 4th-10th grade and drove myself after that. So, I balk at giving constantly door-to-door service, especially when it's just 1.5 miles (~2.5km) to the middle school and biking would be so easy. I was trying to work out a group-walk thing with some other kids who live only 1/2 mile (1km) from school, but they're only in the Mon/Thurs band, not in orchestra, and no idea if they'll try for any after-school program. Meanwhile, I was thinking of letting Two ride her bike without an adult as long as she rode with a friend. There's a boy 3 blocks over who is in her grade and might like to ride with her, but that won't work on the days Two has to stay for tutoring, or if weather is bad. There are just so many variables, I'm thinking there may be a lot of days when I do the direct drop-off/pick up, sigh, or, at most, put Two on the bus in the morning on bad-weather days.
Only 2.5 weeks to figure it out.
* Speaking of going back to school, this old Staples (office-supply store) ad sums up my feelings perfectly:
Click to view
I think it may be my most favorite commercial ever. :D
* I finally finished PTerry's Snuff.
This was yet another lovely birthday gift from
hamsterwoman, who seems to have a magic touch when it comes to picking out books for me. This was quite a different Watch book, I felt - and not just because the venue was different. The social commentary was much more heartfelt, I thought, stronger, in-your-face about prejudice and how to enact change. With some Discworld books I start to lag after awhile; I might be enjoying the story and yet starting to feel like, GET TO THE SOLUTION ALREADY. I didn't have that this time until the very very end, when it seemed to take forever to actually nab the Bad Guy after the climactic heart-pounding scene was over. (Side note: I could not IMAGINE how the cover art was going to figure into the story, given where the bulk of the story takes place. Once we got into that climactic scene, however, then it was like - Ohhh, NOW I see it!)
So, anyway, this felt more like a kinder, gentler Watch story. Still really enjoyed it, though. Although ... what the heck is "potted shrimp"?
My library hold on Westerfeld's Behemoth arrived the other day, so I've dived into that now. Not too far yet, but loving being back in this universe. Although I have to ask: does Alek EVER find out that Derwyn is a girl?
* If you need a laugh, check out
this list of ridiculous travel complaints. Be sure to click the links in the post, as well, for bonus ridiculousness. Heaven forbid they serve curry in India. :P
Must. Go. Collapse. Now. Not sure I've had more than 6 hours of sleep a night all week. *dead*