Happy birthday to my mom. She seemed pleased by my gifts, which is a good thing as almost all of them were purchased before I could drive and therefore had to be ordered online, unseen.
One week left 'til my birthday and I still have no idea what I should do to celebrate. :P
On the other hand, I'm pleased to say that my shoulder
has improved a LOT since I took off the sling 8 days ago. My range of motion is still limited, but has expanded dramatically. I no longer need to use my left hand to help my right hand put the key in the ignition, and most of the time I can change the radio station without left-handed assistance, too. I can wash dishes (which I'm sure Will's happy about - I'm not so thrilled :P), eat with my right hand, tie shoes, and so much more. Yay!
My surgeon said I would be much more back to normal - like able to run, sleep on my right, go to TKD, wear regular shirts again - within 2-3 weeks (as of last Friday). Actually, he said I wouldn't damage anything by running or sleeping on my right, but my shoulder might not like it yet. Shoulder is, indeed, still somewhat picky about how I lie down, but it's improving. I did a slow 1/2 mile (~0.8km) run on the treadmill over the weekend and a mile (1.6km) today, just without swinging that arm. I also think I'll start going back to TKD sometime this week, but just stay at the back of the classroom and not officially be PART of class; this way I can start stretching out again and maybe do some lower-body stuff without feeling the need to keep up with the group.
I've also been swimming twice this week, doing one-armed freestyle, lopsided breast stroke, and left-sided crawl, since I can't swing my right arm around properly yet. At least I can still enjoy being in the water.
I'm debating whether or not to sign up for the Book Fair at
hd_fan_fair. There are a bunch of prompts that looked interesting, but I'm always nervous about whether my Muse will cooperate or not.
MiniPlu babysat twice today, for the same kid, while his mother was off at physical therapy. The second round was kind of last-minute, but MiniPlu was game, which means she earned $25 in a single day. Not bad for a kid who's not even 11 yet. :D
Two continues to hack up a lung. We've started pouring her allergy medication down her throat, but I imagine it'll take a few days before that starts taking effect, if it's going to. I feel so bad for her - she's been sick on guck a few times, and properly sick once, just from all the coughing. (The only reason I've been coping is because I know it's not contagious and she's mostly confined it to easily-washable surfaces. :P)