The weekend was ... eh, okay. We spent all of Sunday afternoon and early evening, up to the girls' bedtime, at Will's aunt's Memorial Day party. It was small, only 11 of us, but it was pleasant, and we all came home uncomfortably stuffed.
And this is where the next trouble began. I woke up yesterday and soon felt sore and achy in my abdomen, both front and back (lower back) and I wasn't very hungry. I thought maybe I'd been eating too much wheat, and didn't think too much about it, but by the time I dropped Will off at the airport for his weeklong business trip, I was starting to feel shaky and woozy, and I was exhausted. I had planned to run a couple of small errands while we were out, but ended up going straight home to collapse on the sofa for awhile, instead.
The girls were angels about this; they got their own lunch, put in Clue to watch, and kept themselves amused while I dozed. By the end of the movie, I wasn't feeling woozy anymore, and managed to get to the one short errand I really had to do, in order to make dinner - a chicken pasta salad. (It was blazing hot yesterday.) Made dinner, played a board game with the girls, and generally felt reasonably functional, but still ate very little, and only gingerly. The lower abdomen and back still were achy, but liveable. I even managed to weed the vegetable garden a little bit.
However, by the time I went to bed (late - was up reading all three parts of
this), the pain was creeping back, and no sooner had I crawled into bed than the pain started making me nauseous. I ended up spending the first couple of hours on the downstairs sofa, which is nearer the bathroom, just in case, although - thankfully - nothing happened. I did fall asleep, and moved back to my bed once I woke up around 1:40am ... and then didn't really sleep much for the rest of the night, because I hurt so much. Heating pad, Tylenol - nothing helped, although those things made me at least feel like I'd tried. It hurts enough that I'm just about ready to cry, although being upright feels marginally better than lying down.
It's not a sharp pain, it's more of an ache, but it's a REALLY strong ache, like bad menstrual cramps or something, except I haven't had a period in over five years. I don't feel feverish. I don't seem to have UTI symptoms. Food poisoning? Gluten intolerance? Crohn's flareup warning? Weird illness? Something else? Google isn't giving me any clues - nothing seems to fit. Should I go to the doctor? Which doctor? I have a gastroenterologist, a women's pelvic pain specialist, a family practitioner, and there's also an urgent care center near me. I'm here alone for the entire week - I don't know what to do.
I'm also late in wishing
slytherincesss a happy birthday! Hope you had a lovely day yesterday.