My third SPN J2 Big Bang! This time Mafia and Creatures - two fan heart flies with one stone. My muse had a lot of fun creating art for "Hear the Songbird Sing". Here's my art contribution to the story. Have fun looking and reading!
Fic title: Hear the Songbird Sing
Artist name:
aomasade [
AomaSade on AO3]
Genre: RPF
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: A siren's call can be a powerful thing and even such a powerful dragon like Jensen can fall under his spell. Jensen owns the city and when he comes across the siren Jared working at one of his club's he knows that he is meant to be his. Jared never thought that he would catch the attention of such a powerful being like Jensen. The two cannot deny the call between the two of them and fall into a relationship that some think they can use to gain what they want not realizing that a Siren is as possessive and protective over their mate as a Dragon is.
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SPN J2 Big Bang Art Link:
Click on the pictures for view in original size.
Cover 1 with blue staves
Cover 2 with white staves
A mafia creature story? My muse was immediately on fire when I read the synopsis. Luckily, I was able to claim "Hear the Songbird Sing".
For the cover, I picked up the scene in the pool. Jared transforms into a siren in the water and sings. Dragon Jensen towers proudly behind him. Two main colors dominate the cover - blue for siren Jared and green for dragon Jensen. Pool edge and background also blue to achieve felt equal color proportions. Because both companions are equally strong.
First I drew a rough sketch to test the effect. I liked the arrangement. So I started to create a draft.
I was inspired by the description of Jared as a siren and Jensen in dragon form.
„Jared's tanned skin was a beautiful mixture of blue and silver, his eyes were pure white and glowed like the stars themselves and is hair shimmered like the water in the morning sun.“
„Jared's eyes widened at the sight of the emerald dragon that stood in place where Jensen was.“
Dragon Jensen looked a little too peaceful and gentle. So I changed the snout and eye shape and added fangs. Now the dragon looks much more dangerous. His evil look warns everyone not to mess with him or his mate. Jensen's trademark arched eyebrow completed the dragon look.
The shiny white bluish hair makes Siren Jared look unearthly beautiful, almost ethereal. His blue skin glistens silvery.
Jared's siren song for his mate is especially bright and clear. So I made the notes on the cover and banner bright white.
On the banner, Jensen tilts his dragon head down to Jared. Now you can also see that they are bathing in an infinity pool. A pool that appears edgeless because the back end is lowered so that the water seems to disappear into nothingness or infinity. Or merge with the sky on the horizon. Jensen is rich. The mafia business is going well. His dragon treasure is huge. He loves beautiful things and can afford such a huge expensive pool, which he can also use in his dragon form. Jared is excited and sings.
The story is not divided into chapters, so chapter headings were not needed.
„The sound of the siren song was beautiful and Jensen let out his own dragon song, one that was only to be heard by their mate. Together they created beautiful and timeless music that bound their souls and lives together, they were now and forever connected.“
Inspired by these words, I drew staves with notes in blue and green as dividers to represent the siren';s song as well as the dragon's song. When they sing together after mating, their songs merge. Now Jared's song contains green notes and Jensen's staves contain blue notes. The colors of the staves also change.
The works of art were created and edited with Procreate. I started drawing a year ago and I still have a blast creating fanart.
I hope you enjoyed my art post.