SPN Reverse Bang 2022 #1 - Son of Medusa - Artpost

Nov 29, 2022 22:40

My first call for this year's SPN Reverse Bang. Many thanks to the moderators who make this challenge possible every year. I was thrilled to see DWImpala67 claim my Son of Medusa image. Inspired by it, she wrote a fantastic modern story that has everything for the reader's heart. Suspense, action, love, romance, magic, mystical creatures. Thank you, DWImpala67. 😘 I had a lot of fun creating this artwork.

Warning: spoilers in art!

Art Title: Son of Medusa
Prompt Number: R1002
Artist: aomasade [AomaSade on AO3]

Fic Title: Son of Medusa
Author: dwimpala21 [DWImpala67 on AO3]
Fandom/Genre: SPN/RPS
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 14,283
Warnings: Unresolved issues, Childhood Abandonment, Discrimination, Legends and Folklore, Witchcraft, Hidden Identity
Summary: Jensen is a half-breed Gorgon who against his mother’s wishes left his home five years ago to get away from a lonely existence in Greece. But his mother would never let go. She sets him up on a date with a pure-blood Gorgon named Tristan Padalecki and as fate would have it, a disgruntled Jensen goes out only to find Tristan is an arrogant, self-absorbed bastard. He walks out on their first date never thinking of the consequences until a few days later when his friends and colleagues start dropping in the hospital in a catatonic state.

Masterpost on SPN Reverse Bang Challenge

Art Link: AO3
Fic Link: AO3

Click on the pictures for view in original size.

Supernatural Reverse Bang 2022 #1 - Original prompt - R1002

Short description of art: Medusas and all their descendants should mate only with their own kind. But half-breed Jensen disagreed and had broken with his family when they wanted to marry him to Tristan, the son of their Gorgon chief in Greece. His future husband was a pure-blooded Medusa: powerful, imperious, arrogant, possessive, murderous, deadly. That's how it was told. So the exact opposite of Jensen. Fleeing, he leaves his hometown for Dallas.
Jensen is happy until his new life goes down the drain. Friends and acquaintances end up catatonic in the hospital and want nothing more to do with him afterwards. A mysterious stranger shows up and won't leave him alone. Jensen can't stand the arrogant guy and firmly rejects his advances. Jared doesn't take no or competition and showers Jensen with expensive gifts. (Modern AU)

I have a soft spot for ancient Greece. The mythology with its gods, heroes and monsters fascinates me. Above all, Medusa. A modern Medusa story with Jared and Jensen? The idea had been floating around in my head for a while. What could the cover look like? Jensen with bright clothes in the foreground. Behind him a silhouette of Jared in Medusa form. Modern skyscrapers in front of a nocturnal background. The eyes of the snakes glow mysteriously. Their scales sparkle as green as Jensen's eyes. Of course, I then had to draw Jared in Medusa form as well as the two J2s individually and together.

In the first sketch, I just captured the idea - a Medusa, the snakes as black shadows in the background. Then I thought about a story. A modern universe with Jensen as a half-breed and Jared as Medusa. What would Jared look like with snake hair? I tried a few drawing styles and manips, but finally settled on drawings. Jensen and Jared's eyes shine because they are both powerful. In Medusa form, Jared has red eyes.

In Greek mythology, Medusa is the daughter of a sea deity who was cursed to become a figure of terror that had snake hair and could petrify with her gaze. The story of DWImpala67 also refers to antiquity. For the representation of modern times I drew the skyline of modern skyscrapers. The antiquity is embodied by the Ionic columns as well as the Greek meander ornament. Often medusae have been depicted in antiquity but also in the Baroque as round mosaics as well as reliefs or on shields or coins. Everyone associates blue and white with Greece. So I chose a dark blue night sky and white line drawings.

When you hear Medusa, you think of snakes. So two strokes border the Medusa head and the dividers were ready. Snake green and black alternate. With bright red eyes pull you under their spell.

I created or edited the works of art with Procreate.

I hope you enjoyed my art post.

jared, son of medusa, art, jensen, jared/jensen, spn.reversebang, dwimpala67, cover, j2, ao3

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