Hetalia Day Melbourne2009

Oct 30, 2009 00:33

IMAGE HEAVY POST! Italy is warning you XD

Being N.Italy and in reality I'm not the best writer at all so pretty much I'll just dump photos here XD

It started with me asking the usual bunch, "why don't we do Hetalia day? There's a Sydney one organized already" "We went all the way to Adelaide and making new costumes for that when 90% of us is Melbournians, surely we can do meeting up for Hetalia day Melbourne?"

Then Hetalia day actually happens....

Revolutionary US @ johns_elizabeth
Germany @
N.Italy @ aomarine
S.Italy @ stolen_ecstasy
Pirate England 1 @ ?
Pirate England 2 @ puddle_quackie
Prussia-uniform @ Valkyrie
Prussia-teutonic @ ?
Russia -uniform @ ?
Russia -bloody Sunday @
Iceland @ ?
Igiko @ [info]stormybabe88
Ukraine @ ashurie
Hungary @
Sealand @ Santi
Poland @ ?

Neil Creek

Each photo is marked by its photographer, the one without mark is by Nakey.

First we start with Revolutionary America....

Who, not surprisingly is apparently a HERO

Then of course our smexy Germany

Ukraine also present

myself as overly  spoilt and energetic N.Italy

With Romano together we becomes Pasta brothers! (or tomato bros?)

And our awesome Prussia hails thou

meanwhile Russia is creeping behind you and scare the crap out of you


Igiko is also present during the day

and threaten US with her Scone XD

In the other side Italy feeds Germany his homemade cooking

"Says ahhhhh~~~ Germany~~ <3"

"Big sis is here for you brother..."

"and I really mean it by helping defending you from German invasion"

Prussia flirted with pirate England

...and England flirt with Iceland.

Speaking of pirate England, we have another clone :)

and Sealand

Silver haired-ish family

Then we have "The EAST and the WEST"

in which Russia tried to get ahold of

Don't want to lose out, the Italian brothers joined in

"The North.South.West.East"

"Think MACHO think MACHO think MACHO~~~"

"Veee.... if only Germany is always this cute~~<3"

Without actually planning together about it, we really have an exact iron cross pendant to match. It's fate dearest Germany XD

Pact of Steel

Germany: "When you're in danger I'll aid you" "When I'm in danger..."

Germany:"...never mind... I don't expect much from you anyway"


Well of course we should finish it off with group photos!

Draws a circle and there's Earth.


Italian brothers say Thank you~~~~

More photos


2009, axis power hetalia, melbourne, hetalia day

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