Aug 08, 2006 01:25
My soon-to-be roommate Stephanie broke her shoulder falling off her bike on Saturday! She's okay but in a sling for five weeks and, as such, won't be lifting any of the stuff during the move. I almost just typed "Man, I wish *I* broke my shoulder" as an ironic joke but then decided that I wouldn't tempt fate.
I finally got around to seeing V for Vendetta yesterday. Despite it definitely not being as good as the book (and lacking, at least in part, a lot of the emotional impact and anarchist ideals) I still thought it was pretty good and can't understand why it didn't do better. Certainly the indignant, graphic novel reading crowd can't be that substantial and it really works well as a movie even if you don't know the story already.
Anyway, here's the rundown on my moving to-do list. EXCITEMENT ABOUNDS.
Phase 1 (July 31 - August 15)
* organise CDs and get rid of as many as possible
* acquire boxes (anyone have some they want to part with?)
* general room cleaning and organising (in progress)
* reserve a truck for moving day
* find out from current occupants if i can load my stuff in on august 30 (yes, yes i can)
Phase 2 (August 15-29)
* pack non-essential items into boxes (books, DVDs, CDs, some clothing)
* get on stuff like internet for new place
* find a friend or two who can help with the move
Phase 3 (August 30 or September 1)
* pick up truck and fill it with my stuff
* unload at new place
* drink beer