Feb 10, 2005 14:59
So, mom got out of the hospital yesterday and seems to be feeling much better…she phoned my sister and left a message to “hang up your black dress cuz Mom’s home!” Nice sense of humor...
But...the exciting thing is that I just booked my flight from Lethbridge, Alberta, to Winnipeg, Manitoba. What does this mean you are thinking to yourself? This means that I am definitely going to help my girlfriend move to her new town! YEAH!!! The itinerary is as such: leaving Thompson in the 20th of February, drive, drive, drive and get to Lethbridge hopefully the 21st. Hang out a couple of days, then on the 24th, going into Calgary to spend the night with my old roommate Tanya, and then a quick trip to the airport to hit the flight for 9:20am...my buddy goes back to Lethbridge, me back to Winnipeg, about 12:15 my sis is gonna pick me up and we are gonna spend the day together. Then one of 2 things, either take the midnite bus home, or our new big deck will be ready to travel home and I will drive it home the next day. YEAH!! I need this break. I am so glad that the hubby feels this way too. I may not have gone if he didn’t. But...at the same time of course, I have this intense fear of leaving home. Yeah, I know, it sounds dumb, but I really have a hard time being away. I hate leaving my animals, but at least the hubby will be home to take care of them for me. And my roomie does an awesome job too of course. I hate being away from my bed and my house, so badly that a couple of weeks ago, the girls were supposed to have a sleepover, and I called the hubby to come and get me about 1am. I am such a pansy. Oh well, I know I will do my best to keep that fear down, just like I always do when I have to go somewhere.
The last interesting part of life right now is that the city council voted yes to an urban reserve, just 1000 feet from my house. This scares us, if you understand the legalities of it. It’s essentially a reserve in the city. Now, I am not racist, except to the drunken, welfare bums that hang around this town, and I am afraid of the property value going down, the possible noise and type of people this may attract. So we are looking into buying a new house. I have talked to a real estate agent and she recommends the same thing, as does everyone else that we have talked with, with the exception of my mom. Another part to this is the fact that we have almost grown out of this house, we need more room...I hate basements, but that’s what we are looking into, 4-5 bedrooms with 1.5-2 bathrooms. So I will keep updating on that.
Over and Out.