Finally some answers

Nov 20, 2006 12:39

So, for any of you that have been following the saga of our having a baby, I finally got some answers at the doctor today. I had faxed my specialist in July about how to get off my meds, as in taper down, or just stop taking them, and how long to be off them to be safe to have a baby. I got a call back from his nurse saying that he would not answer my questions if I don't have an appointment with him, since I have not seen him in over a year. The reason behind that is I don't need to see him unless my health changed. So, I made a family doc appointment in July, and could not see her until 2 weeks ago. At the appointment she said she would refer me back to him, and I was kinda upset since I knew it would take a few more months of waiting to get in to him, plus the planning for traveling down to the city, and taking time off my new job. So, I played my emotions up a little bit, and she felt sorry for me, so she said she would phone him for me and then we could meet today and discuss what he said. I went in today, and of course my specialist said that he would take me in right away if I had wanted to...I hate when doctors change the story on she called a specialist friend of hers and told him about my case. He informed her that I just have to stop taking the meds, and 3 months minimum would be safe. So, I now have my answers and can really start working on quitting smoking and getting myself healthy, plus she recommended that I start taking a prenatal vitamin as soon as I stop taking my RA meds. She also is referring me to a gyno, since mine will be a high risk pregnancy, she wanted me to meet with this lady to start talking now before we even start to try. At least I am on the road now, and I just have to get up enough nerves to actually do this. I think I am more nervous now then I have been waiting for all these test results and answers. Now, I need to go home and tell the hubby....I wonder if he will be happy???
Over and Out
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