I've had this stupid cold since before Christmas and it. will. not. go. AWAY!
If anyone points out I'm being ill tempered I'll whack them with the new Mop I got! I'd like to see them stuck with a cold for three weeks!
I haven't been able to smell anything for weeks! I can't breathe through my stupid nose! It sucks because I got some body spray for christmas! It's called Enchanted Orchid or something like that... I have no idea what it smells like...
I'm sorry whoever got it for me! I feel awful! I'm sure it smells wonderful though.
Plus I can't do anything!... well... I don't want to pass my cold onto my roommate, or to Kaito for that matter...
Sorry guys, I think I'll have to sit out of... everything... I should see a doctor about this impossible cold... have fun! @.@
Also, I was going to get everyone presents, but I didn't get a job in time... sorry guys ^^;
Hope they'll all settle for cookies... which I will make once I'm over this stupid cold.
well I think I'm off to get some cold medicine... which has failed me..