Jun 07, 2012 23:55
Today, I spent most of the day at work. I had a seven hour shift and ended up staying over at least an additional 30 minutes because we got busy. Over all it was an ok day however, they didn’t put me on break till I only had an hour left - which meant when I got back from break I would work for 30 minutes and then go home. -__-
I also work the next 6 days straight. .___. It’s going to be a long week.
Once I got home I ate dinner with the family and then relaxed a bit by CP farming again in FF XIII, even though I’ve been told I should have no trouble fighting off enemies in Chapter 12 of the game since my characters have high HP.
I also joined a new forum. It’s kind of a posting games / general forum and I like it so far. ^_^
ff xiii,
cp farming