Not really an update... It's more like a self loathing rant. ._____.
For my art history class you see, I have to write this monstrous 10 page paper. It’s supposed to be based off this old school art relic I found on ebay. However, I just don’t even know how to go about it. D: It’s due this Friday by 1:25 p.m.
And I still don’t even one sentence written. .__. Why am I such a horrible student all the time? I used to do my homework weeks ahead of the due dates but in the last couple years I’ve been such a slacker and it’s upsetting. D;
Then on top of that I still have another 2 weeks to get my Civic Project all done. But the professor keeps giving me more things to research and look up. I'm also planning on holding an interview with the newly elected SGA president on campus, but I can't help but think if I use someone like that the story is going to become more about what he says and not what the everyday students have been complaining about. Which would completely change my story. D;
*Keep in mind I've been working on this news story since February 28; giving him a rough draft every Friday. So it's not like I can just come up with an all new story based on what I get from the SGA guy.
Then I have one more big project due on the last day of class for my Comm 201 class. We have to make something that's interactive in power point that could be viewed at a kiosk. So far I'm off to a good start and I really like what I got accomplished so far for it. ^_^ If I actually finish it up early I won't have to go to class for the last couple of weeks. If I get it done though. >.> Which I think I only have a few more things to do on it. ^_^
I also updated my FF XIII-2 Hope and Vanille fanfiction,
Another Lifetime.