September 10th, 2008

Sep 10, 2008 11:56

Today has been such a long day! D: First things first. I woke up way to early at 6:56am so I just went and took a shower. Which I might had was flesh burning hot O.O Then I headed to classes from 9:05am until 11am which is when I went back to body works and worked on my homework. That I really should’ve worked on yesterday but I got it all done thanks to two amazing websites that helped me understand the biology. Seriously I was taught that stuff in my 8th grade year because I remember having Mr. Bradley and his craziness and golf fetish.  
So anyways. My next batch of classes started up at officially 3:35pm which is where my political sciences are held. This is the one class I simply dread just because I don’t like answering questions in class.  You can ask most of the girls on the top floor of Body Worx, and they will all tell you how I talk about the impending doom every time I have that class. xD I just hate how he pulls then name s from a card pile. :[
However luckily today my card was not pulled. YAY~ So I get to freak out another day. I’m pretty sure it’s going to get called either on Monday or Wednesday though.  Simply because we have a total of 2 case studies. So yeah. I’m doomed next week. OoO
Then I went to the café after that class because he always lets us out an extra 30 minutes ahead of schedule.  There I found Crystal, Mandy, and 1am DJ eating.   So I got a plate of mac and cheese and some chicken alfredo which wasn’t that bad the chicken was gross though. :D  We talked and hung out for a bit and were later joined by Amanda and then we departed for Biology class together because we’re all in it. xD
& then we came home well to Body Worx and now I’m just chilling playing online games. :D YAY!

amanda, 1am dj, mandy, homework, crystal, biology, online games cafe, body worx, hate, classes, websites

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