Sep 08, 2008 22:32
Today was such a long day. :[ I really think I’m coming down with something. I’ve been sniffling and coughing like all day long not to mention my eyes are all watery. There was nothing really fun about any of my classes today at all. Which is kind of sad. The Bio lab was alright but kind of pointless. However on my bio lab quiz I know I only missed 1 out of the 7 questions YAY~ Then for my political science quiz that I took at 8am in the morning online was alright. I did better then what I thought when it came ot getting them right but it said my grade was only a 76.7% Which isn’t that good. D: At least I don’t think so anyways.
Coming back to Body Worx, we celebrated Lindsay’s birthday with cake and pizza. :] & the night before was tacos. YUM. :D Also Mr. White had on his dry ease board that internet line 1 should come tomorrow. O.o I don’t get what line 1 means? O.o ß is stupid.
I did begin to watch Vampire Knight on Youtube. <3 I love it I'm on episode 6 as of right now.
I’m thinking about playing a little Harvest moon sometime tonight after doing some work for either College Writing or First Year seminar. Seeing how I have both of those one Wednesday morning. T^T
college writing,
first year,
bio lab,
vampire knight,