July 3rd, 2008

Jul 03, 2008 11:17

~ NARA , Japan ~
Today we went to see the Giant Buddha in Nara. Which we almost didn’t get to see because no one had signed up for the trip previously however since Emi-chan was originally from Nara she offered to take us there.  On the Subway there, Kristi and I asked Emi-chan what this one type of candy was that we bought the day before. I bought it just because it had happy candies on it and I was all “so cute!!” so yeah. Anyways Emi told us that is was a chewy candy and that the kinds that we had were Soda pop flavored. >.> Kristi and I really didn’t like it that much though. -_- Tastes like whale blubber. However after riding a bit longer, we almost missed our stop because Emi and Mr. Lum were chatting it up.
Arriving at Nara, we soon found our way to the Giant Buddha’s domain.  Once we got there the streets were lined with lots and lots of cute deer. Kristi bought some of the cookie to feed them and was attacked literally move then twenty deer went after here trying their best to get a deer cookie which cost 150¥ which isn’t’ that bad at all especially if you want to have a fun experience. :D  After the deer we got our pictures taken with Buddha although with many people, Buddha is hard to see in the photos. T^T
Then we went shopping where I bought some Arm warmers from Tutuanna. :] We stopped and ate at a Japanese McDonalds. :] It made us happy because most of the food tasted exactly the same :D YAY! And then after Alisha, Kristi and Chandra were all shopped out I went shopping with Shively. :D WE looked at the used kimono store. ^-^ It was fun however we didn’t buy any but I did see this really cute one! ^.^ It had various multicolored fans on it and it was an off white color. Thinking back I should’ve bought it! <3 T^T
“Tic in my pants?!” - a moment that can’t be explained no matter how hard I try. xD (ß inside joke between Kristi, I, Alisha, Chandra, & Shively) & yes it was said by me. X]  Not to mention Kristi and Mines little secret about that day that we will carry on with us as our own little inside joke till the day we die xD I still can’t believe we did that?! So embarrassing! T^T I feel like a SIM!
At the hotel (which one I don’t remember T^T) Kristi and I had flipped n the Japanese teevee shows like we did in every hotel. :] WE found a lot of different cooking shows however this one was truly the best just because the host who was male wore a pink frilly apron. Which made me cool in our books. It was such a good show we filmed it on my camera with our random commentary on certain scenes. xD (that video still makes me giggle hardcore) Also after the cooking show ending, we flipped to another channel where we happened by chance to flip to an interview with Perfume an female technopop band who was being interviewed for their new album “Game”  They even gave a small performance with the song “Love the World” which cause Kristi and I to go into fan mode just because their music is so cute and very video game like. 
That night for dinner it was the Hot Pot however Kristi and I really didn’t want to have dinner so we went out shopping in the 98¥ shop which was downstairs from our hotel. At the store we bought a lot of junk food I mean yeah trying the food of Japan was cool however we really weren’t trying any unhealthy foods. :]  A lot of the foods we bought we really had no idea what some things were like those really gross doughnut looking beer smelling cakes. @_@ Those were disgusting and smelled of BEER!!!! Then we had the cute little non tasting mini doughnuts that I found to be quite good. :] Oh and Sour cream & onion potato chips which had a different taste then the ones here in the states. I liked them a lot better!!! ^---^

beer, game, technopop, deer cookies, cooking show, deer, tic in my pants, sour cream & onion, secrets, mcdonalds, kimono shopping, perfume, fans, sims, tutuanna, beer smelling cakes, buddha, kristi, pink apron, 98¥ store, nara, hot pot

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