Mar 13, 2006 20:58

Before I knew it, the March holidays are here. Or not. There's the homework bombardment. I currently have minimum 10 pieces of hmwk undone. *points to deceptively thin stack on table* Some of my friends have to go to school almost every day. You call this a holiday?
That's Sec 4 life for you. I shouldn't be complaining actually - so many seniors have already been through with it...

I have a tablet now!!! Who cares about the $80 debt I've landed myself in?
I got it at the IT fair at Suntec. I'm paying half the price, my mom's paying the rest. And my brother and sister got a mp3 player each. And new speakers. We're all ignoring the family's financial situation... =\
I'm so excited about it~ Though now I don't have the lack of a tablet as an excuse for bad art =PP And of course a tablet doesn't guarantee good art -shattered-
not like if I don't know, its better to hide frm the truth--
Yeah, its a Wacom Graphire 4 - 4x5(the smallest/cheapest size there). I don't want to hear about whether it was at a good/bad price. It was half an impulse buy, so no price checking was done =|
My family went to the IT thing twice. Both times we spent an hour on the bus instead of the normal 15-30 min trip. As we expected, the traffic jam was caused by the IT fair. The fair took part of 3 floors - we didn't get to get a good look everywhere even when there was enough time. Too much people.

My brother is still at the 2nd disc of FFVII. Today he got owned by Hojo o_o Yeaaarrrgggg. Should have followed the guides from the start of the game. Coz I don't think we needed 5 tries to defeat the Turk trio. Alot of fun just watching my brother play though. And yay! Vincent got his 3rd limit break~

drawdrawdraw, special!, sianlife

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