
May 05, 2009 22:30

Hey flist. How have you guys been? I'm serious. I'm curious about the outside world. orzlll I've totally missed out on Hyoteimyu2, Shitmyu, and DL6. *ASHAMED* So I live. Yea.... survived this semester and now I'm stuck back at home. Again. Argh. Hopefully my internship interview goes well this Thursday. :D

I give you happy colorful headphones and twincest from my concept class. 8D Pardon my crappy drawings. They're supposed to be animatics (aka stills and key poses) so don't expect godly animation.

yea.... other stuff is here as usual

Also: QUESTION TO KHR AND CODE GEASS slash FANS. What pairings do you think I should draw/make prints for? Even a single character in an epic pose could work. I'm not in either fandom, but I do know that they are popular enough to make monies off of. ;D

Also going to the Epik High concert in NYC on May 22nd. Anyone else going? :DDDD

a-kon, animation, rl, school

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