Happy Birthday Yagyuu!

Oct 20, 2008 00:45

And to everyone on my f-list that I haven't greeted in the past month or so. X____X;;;; I'M SORRYYYY. I suck I know.


This was both for Yagyuu's birthday and reposoir's fic Rewind Forward. OMGOMG IT'S FINALLY ENDED. *spazzzflailskdfl;jasdkl* But I can't read because I have a shit ton of homework to do. I pulled yet another all-nighter over this weekend. This is ridiculous. *dies*  So I apologize for the shitiness of the piece. I reall wanted it to look differently.... but with the time restraints, I wasn't able to detail it as much as I wanted. T^T PHAIL PHAIL PHAAAIILLL. I'm sorry Allison. :[ I don't usually color like a 4-year-old on LSD.

I have a huge headache and I still have stuff to do. orz I don't even have time to work on switching_it_up . I honestly thought I would have from August until now to do it. I was so fucking wrong. The workload never ends and it frustrates me since I'm constantly drawing... but not drawing leisurely. I still want to make it look awesome though. T_________T

In other random news, I'll be going to 2 Dir En Grey concerts in November and NYC to visit my sister and Kevin for New Years. HAPPY HAPPY TIMES. Gives me something to work towards!

Hope the rest of you lovelies are doing well. *stumbles off to continue working*

art, d1, fanart: pot, rikkai, rl, school

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