You are a beautiful and honest elf who is very good
at aiming, well it doesnt have to be just a bow
and arrow. U are partly serious and have many
secrets. U do have times u lighten up, and when
u do u can really laugh. U are a very practical
and down-to-earth,and are loyal to your country
and family. U have a pure heart. Good Job!
Which Anime Look do u have? (girl quiz) sorry boys, u can still take it though! lol, i dont care brought to you by
Quizilla Your emotion is anger.You can sometimes be calm but
under stressful situations you show your true
nature.If it is to get your own way,protect or
friend or some other reason but this doesnt
stop you from being your calm cool self
What emotion are you(anime pics!!!!!!!!) brought to you by
Quizilla You are none of them! But you're not Mr./Miss
Which Of the 7 Deadly Sins Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla That was fun.
I think my comuter fan is about to die. It keeps sounding like it's revving up to speed away or something. It's like, "Wrrr...RRRRRR!...rrrrr...RRR!@#OMGWTF...rrrrr..." Yeah, it... kind of scares me. It's being quiet NOW, but for some reason I don't think that's going to last. So yeah, I've been turning off my computer a lot to save it until Christmas. Either I'll get a new fan for Christmas, or I can go buy one myself.
Y'know, I haven't written a thing about stuff for awhile. And believe me, I'm not doing that because things have been going well. Quite the opposite. Things have been actually.. pretty stressful since December. Yeah, Lawrence comes back into my life, and suddenly there's all sorts of drama and stress. I still find it kind of funny how he thinks that he's more mature than me in some aspects. I mean, he's had more experience with life. Him being in the army and all.. but for him to assume that he knows more than me because of that is pretty naive. He himself is actually still pretty naive. He still has the mentality of finding the absolute perfect person. By perfect I don't mean physical.. he's actually let go of that much. But personality-wise. He does what most men do with looks. He gets picky. When we were friends, it didn't matter to him, that I got impulsive. That I sometimes acted out of childishness. I still do that, but it's not because I'm immature. It's just that sometimes I can't control myself, being around certain people. I mean, I look back on certain situations now, and I'm embarrassed.. and I've noticed that those situations only occurred when Molly was around. She has this knack of taking things too far. When she gets around a group of people, with some people that she doesn't know, she thinks she HAS to act like a spastic ditz. I'm not placing the entire blame on her, but I can't help but wonder if I would have acted the same way if she weren't around me during those times. Oh well. But yeah. Because of all that's been going on with Lawrence and I, I've actually come to a few realizations that he'll never come to unless he's serious about wanting to make things work between us. If he doesn't come to the same, or almost the same, conclusions that I have, I already know for a fact that things aren't going to work out between us. Though I still have hope, because for some silly reason, I adore him. Stupidity and all, I adore him.
That's been the top stress factor in my life. The other being Teddy. ...sweet, blunt, nice-guy Teddy. ...sweet, blunt, nice-guy Teddy that's 36 years old, has a 17 year old daughter that's expecting a baby, and is divorced. Yeah. Amber, Derrick and I were playing some pool at the bowling alley. Just having fun, not expecting anything really out of the ordinary to happen. Only whenever Amber and I get together, something ALWAYS happens. I guess we just attract trouble or something. Anyway! There are some older men playing pool on the table next to us. They're watching us and what not. There's this one guy in particular that's watching. He looked a lot younger than the guys he was hanging out with, so we didn't really think anything of it. Then after watching us, Amber and I, shoot, he goes to talk to Derrick. Asks about Amber, Derrick tells him that she's married, then he asks about me, and Derrick says go for it, she's single. ... ><. I could have throttled him. Anyway, the guy, Teddy... comes over to our table and starts to talk to Amber and I, but mostly focusing on me. He was all like, "I don't know about you, you look a little young to me..." I asked him how old he thought I was. "My buddies and I thought you looked around 16..." *!!* Wtf! 16?! I do NOT look that young. I think. Do I? ...anyway. He's all hittin' on me, wolf whistling at me when I make this behind the back shot. He keeps coming back to our table and talking to me, asking for my phone number.. which I actually gave to him, because I at the time didn't know his age or history... I swear, I thought he looked like he was at LEAST 28. Anyway. We're about to leave to take Derrick home, and do some stuff before we hang out at Amber's house. Just Amber and I, not Teddy too. He walks me out... and he asks me if I'll let him hug me. I say okay. ...we stop a little ways from Amber's jeep and we hug. ...and he starts groping me. Face against my neck, hands on my ass and back... he was like a frickin' horny little teenager. He tries to get me to kiss him, and I refuse. Because I KNOW that once someone kisses me, it's all over. So I say my goodbyes and head over to Amber's jeep, where I can be seen. ..he follows like a lost puppy. And gets gropy again from behind! Here I am, trying to get away from him, and OMG. AMBER INVITES HIM ALONG WITH US TO TAKE DERRICK HOME AND GO TO WAL*MART. And he gets into the backseat with me. And CONTINUES TO GROPE ME. Though admittedly, while in the car, he was mostly just.. cuddling. 'cause of the way Amber was driving, he couldn't stay close enough for long to do anything. Which she was thankfully doing on purpose. But yeah. We do all that, we take him home to his hotel, and he calls me the next day. I forgot to mention that Teddy is only here until.. well, he leaves tonight I believe. But he was only here on construction work business. But yes. He called me. A lot. And the last call, he was all like, "I'm missin' ya girl. I haven't seen ya in four days." ...he calls me 'girl'. A lot. Anyway. I don't think I'll hear from him tonight. I hope. But yeah, he's another piece of stress that I haven't been wanting to deal with.
The other bit of stress is obvious. My joblessness. No one seems to want to hire me, and I still refuse to work fast food. I know it's something, but I just.. I can't. I don't want to. Anyway.. I have to leave right quick. Shower and get ready for rehearsals tonight. ...yay... more drama.