#300 - #305

Jul 30, 2012 18:01

Aoi shot water with his water gun to Uruh’s back and Uruha smiled but tried in any way to protect his guitar while playing. As soon as Aoi rested his water gun, Uruha took it and shot at Aoi’s ass. But Aoi managed to run to his side of the stage surprisingly fast

FC Tour12 HETERODOXY -Zepp Nagoya- 30/07/12
Report by gazettenohotaru


fanart by KaZe-pOn

by alzheimer13

By femme-x-fatale

by Bou-wa // click image for bigger

by Fumuko

:: do pardon the lack of updates. i got soooo busy, i didnt had the time. m(__)m i'll keep up now :)

live: heterodoxy, type: fanmade, type: gif, source: comment, year: 2012, type: live report

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