So, I saw this floating around Tumblr and since it's a Kinn meme, how could I resist? Also, it gives me the chance to make pretty pictures with pretty men so, again, obviously resisting was never going to work out too well.
So, that being said, here we go!
This one I had to think about a bit because, being a fangirl, one of the first things I look for in ANY show I start watching is two guys I can 'ship together whether they're actually interested in each other or not. Glee was being far too kind to me in giving me half of that equation right out of the gate and, for me, having a one-sided attraction was better than no attraction at all so that was definitely the starting point.
I think, though, that 'Ballad' got me fully on board with this 'ship and this scene in particular proved not only that both of their characters are rather deeper than they've sometimes appeared, but also what incredibly chemistry the actors have together and that's carried through in every single scene they've done in the entire series.
Also, even though a lot of serious things happened in 'Ballad' with Quinn getting kicked out of her house and Finn's mom finding out about the baby and Mercedes finding out that Puck was the actual father, this little scene where they can talk about their families and be really domestic and genuinely understand each other packed more of an emotional punch than any of the other scenes I've mentioned, and that more than anything made me just want both of them to be happy.
Also, I'm just cleaning up the latest chapter of vamp!Kurt fic, so expect that soon-ish :)