-As for whistling, I can kind of do it, but my favorite whistling story is the time my mom tried to whistle back at a parrot and just kind of blew air at it, and the parrot turned its head and asked, very seriously, "What's the matter?" It was epic xP
-I totally love the very old-style romance feel to their relationship, too, as opposed to the other 'wee-we-just-fell-in-love-let's-hop-into-bed' thing that a lot of the couples seem to have. I love that they've been really courting each other and have taken it slowly.
-Thanks for the reply about prom! I was curious about that :)
-And I'm sorry about my discourse, but there have been some really rude comments made toward Furt shippers tonight so I felt I had to get my two cents in >.< (And yes, I can't endorse Gwack. Gwen has an amazing husband who's willing to do anything for her and I just can't with her a lot of the time x( )
-I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought this kiss paralleled the TTLM one. That was honestly my first thought :)
-And I agree that 'Candles' was high, but since Chris and I have about the same singing range (which is...weird, but whatever), I know that when I've sung along to it it doesn't strain my voice at all so maybe that's why it doesn't bug me?
-ALSO, EVERYTHING ASIDE, I LOVE THAT KISS. Glee's had a lot of awkward kisses and I was a little worried, but no. No, that was amazing. They'd better kiss more.
-As for whistling, I can kind of do it, but my favorite whistling story is the time my mom tried to whistle back at a parrot and just kind of blew air at it, and the parrot turned its head and asked, very seriously, "What's the matter?" It was epic xP
-I totally love the very old-style romance feel to their relationship, too, as opposed to the other 'wee-we-just-fell-in-love-let's-hop-into-bed' thing that a lot of the couples seem to have. I love that they've been really courting each other and have taken it slowly.
-Thanks for the reply about prom! I was curious about that :)
-And I'm sorry about my discourse, but there have been some really rude comments made toward Furt shippers tonight so I felt I had to get my two cents in >.< (And yes, I can't endorse Gwack. Gwen has an amazing husband who's willing to do anything for her and I just can't with her a lot of the time x( )
-I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought this kiss paralleled the TTLM one. That was honestly my first thought :)
-And I agree that 'Candles' was high, but since Chris and I have about the same singing range (which is...weird, but whatever), I know that when I've sung along to it it doesn't strain my voice at all so maybe that's why it doesn't bug me?
-ALSO, EVERYTHING ASIDE, I LOVE THAT KISS. Glee's had a lot of awkward kisses and I was a little worried, but no. No, that was amazing. They'd better kiss more.
Anyway, is this better?
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