Title: Caligo Nox Noctis
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: R overall
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Kurt overall; some minor Blaine/Kurt
Chapter: 12/?
Word Count: 3372
Spoilers: Let’s say everything to be safe :)
Summary/Warnings: (Vampire!Kurt, so completely AU) The good news about all of this is that there’s a cure. The bad news, of course, is what the
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I think the canonization of Kurt's attitude towards sex works well here, so you did a great job with it. :)
Thanks :)
As much as I thoroughly enjoy a seasoned slash writer, sometimes their scenes come off as something that seem more capable of people who have been having sex for YEARS and YEARS do, not two boys who are like 16-17 and have very little (or no) sexual experience. (Cue stamina problems for both boys, so my applause and hats off here.)
It's these thoughts that had me writing my fic last night, so you inspired me...so to speak.
I'm glad you could find some sort of inspiration from this :)
I'd still like to try to get something down that fully captures that, it was a long time ago, but when things were so exciting and new (like the Love Boat) that it didn't take so much. It's fun not to write jaded scenes. :)
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